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Governmental Influence in Contracts

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One missing "flavor" for the game (to me) is the lack of governmental involvement. Part of the romance and charm of the 50s, 60s and 70s advances in the space programs was the periods of both insane funding and tight funding. Missions that were "musts" versus missions not even carried on national television. Hush-hush missions and overhyped missions.

Hard to implement adequately, I suppose. But the appeal of building, testing, and delivering a new, better jet fighter to the Navy is strong. I hope that all of the contracts are not from some nameless "Big Money Corp."

What I'd implement is a number of parts gained not through science points, but through satisfying a graduated number of missions for military, commercial, or academic sectors. Nothing game balance-changing; just enough imagery to carry a flavor of gameplay in one's mind. Perhaps a better ASAS or alternative science parts from the academic sector, slightly more efficient engine from the government, etc.

Besides... Kerbals dressed as politicians, generals, or poindexters popping up on the contract screen would rock.

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We don't really know how contracts are going to look, so it may be that some of them are going to be offered by government entities. It's fairly certain that private companies will offer some of them (there was a logo contest a while back), maybe Kerbin is a libertarian paradise?

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I believe we are going to see contracts from various companies with rather humorous names with distinct logos asking us to perform varying space missions such as satellite launches or surface samples from various planets. I doubt we are going to see or see many aircraft related missions. If anything the contract is more of an end requirement and I bet the fun part is getting it to where it has to go.

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