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Animation Issue : Blender to Unity Default Take

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I am having some issue where the animation I made is not importing correctly. I imported an animation before (different model) and it worked fine, but now for some reason, it has some issue where the clip range is outside the range of the source take.

how is the default take managing to only be 0.083 seconds? When playing the animation in blender it works fine and takes about 6.5 seconds.

This animation uses shape keys if that makes any difference with troubleshooting.




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Blender is saying 0 to 149 while Unity is saying -1 to 148

Perhaps check the original .BLEND you have which does works and see if that says (for example) 1-100 and its Unity scene reports 0-99 (indicating Unity is taking 1 off during import)

You may just need to bump the location of your keys in Blender so that they're 1-150 and not 0-149 (so when importing to Unity they don't get -1'd out of range)

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Ive tried that and it still shows the clip range issue. so in unity is shows 0-149. I even bumped it forward a few more frames but no luck.

funny thing, when I just import the .blend and not convert into the .fbx, it doesnt have any issues with that animation timeline clip length, but of course the animation doesnt play since its just the blend file:huh:.

just did a bit of digging, and it looks like unity does not recognize shape keys for animations. Looks like some additional steps will be needed:


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