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Basic Jet Challenge

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So on other threads, people don't like it pointed out how OP'd jet engines are in KSP.

Much attention is paid to the fuel consumption, and some attention to the % of orbital speed attainable.

Many are afraid of jets being nerfed resulting in less fun for SSTOs. I think we could still have plenty of SSTO fun even if turbojets had high altitude/speed performance approximately equal to that of basic jets... so, this challenge is to prove me right.

The main challenge: Get the highest payload fraction you can to LKO (minimum 75km perapsis)

Other "awards"

* lowest part number to orbit

* Lowest part number to payload mass ratio

Seperate awards for part clipping/no part clipping designs


FAR is allowed (and encouraged, as if jets are fixed, I would also like to see aerodynamics fixed), mech jeb is allowed, no other mods are allowed.

No Rapiers are allowed, No turbojets are allowed.

You don't have to use basic jets. In fact, if you want to prove me wrong (rather than right), win the challenge without using jets at all to prove that a nerf to jets would make them pointless.

*edit*, so far, non-FAR, I've only got a design that gets to orbit on basic jets and an aerospike, and then has another 1020 m/s of dV.

I haven't tried it in FAR yet (should make it perform better due to lower drag), nor adapted it to carry a payload - but its enough that I know its well within the realm of possibility

Edited by KerikBalm
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