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Questions regarding rescaleFactor

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So I've been having a lot of fun with the rescale factor (5m Jet Engine = winning) and i have a few questions as to how it might work:

1. Is there a way to "stretch" only one dimension (i.e. increase length while preserving width) without modifying the model?

2. How can I change the location of attachment nodes once I stretch it?


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So I've been having a lot of fun with the rescale factor (5m Jet Engine = winning) and i have a few questions as to how it might work:

1. Is there a way to "stretch" only one dimension (i.e. increase length while preserving width) without modifying the model?

2. How can I change the location of attachment nodes once I stretch it?


I don't think there are separate x, y, z scale factors unfortunately.

You can change the node location in the same part.cfg file though. I think it's called attach_node or something like that (forgive me, I don't have my comp atm). It is almost always one of the lines near the top of the file. I think it has 7 parameters.

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