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Killer Mun

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Chadful was having second thoughts as he waited atop Kicarus IV for launch.


Three men dead, three good men. Who am I to the Kercury Three? How will I get back from the Mun when they couldn't?

"Final sequence, Chadful. Ready?"

Chadful hoped his nervousness wasn't evident. "Ready, control!"

"Here we go... stabilizers on... stage initialized... turbines to speed... batteries to power... ready to move out... let go the clamps!"


Well, I'm safely airborne. Of course, they all got this far.

"Chadful, you're go for staging."

"Roger, control. Throttling back turbines... seperati.... whoa!"

Yet again, the turbojets foul the second stage and the craft tumbles as the rockets ignite.

"Chadful, you ok? The telemetry is going crazy!"

"Stand by, control."

This is why they called it Kicarus. Not because we're flying too close to Kerbol, but because we keep trying stupid things.

"I've got it under control... low orbit achieved."

Damn damn that was close, and look at my inclination. Barely spaceborne and I have to use my fuel reserve to correct.


Ok, now to plan the next burn.


"Course plotted and laid in, Captain."

"Who are you talking to, Chadful?"

Did I say that out loud?

"Never mind, control. Initiating next burn."

"Good job, Chadful... maybe too good. Check your course."


Damn, man! Good aim! Still, no way I'm landing without scouting the site first. There's more fuel reserve gone.

As Chadful reflects on his fuel situation, he recalls the fate of Jeb and Bill, both of whom ran out of fuel before they could escape the Mun, both of whom crashed back into the Mun, and both of whom lost hundreds of points of Science! If not for Science, Jeb and Bob would be alive. If not for Science, Chadful could be safely back on Kerbin.

I hate science.


"Control, I see Bob's landing site. Pretty rugged terrain."

"You're the man on the scene, Chadful. Pick your site as you see fit."

Flat is good, I'm thinking. Poor Bob. He made it all the way home only to have his chute fail. Damn Mun.

"Control, I've got my spot. I'm headed down."


"Engine cutoff. I'm down, control."

"Roger, transmit the ahem backup data, and then proceed with EVA."

The in case I die data.

"Headed out the door."

Chadful takes his samples, takes his measurements, then takes a moment to enjoy the view.


Flat doesn't make for much scenery, but it's a nice sky.

"Ok, control, placing the flag and plaque."


Now the hard part. Getting home.

"Fuel transfer complete, control. Landing stage jettisoned. Ready for launch."




"Stop shouting into the mic, Chadful."

"Sorry, control."


Well I've made it further than Jeb and Bill. But what about Bob? What about the parachute?


"Hi Mom! Can you see me waving?"

I hope I don't splat, Mom. I hope the chute opens.


The chute opened? The chute opened!

"Ahem. Control, we have drogue deployment."

Main chute! Main chute! Main chute!


BE AH UUUTIFUL!! I've beaten the Mun, and I have brought back SCIENCE.


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