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Air Superiority Fighter I

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This is my own stock jet fighter, the Air Superiority Fighter I, or ASF-I for short.

Download link (antenna gun removed):http://www./view/5z2yl7phr34s3rp/ASF-I.craft

With it come four missiles.

Flying with SAS enabled is recommended, also, this jet was designed for low-altitude operations.

Powered by two C-7 Aerospace BJE's, it takes of easily and can maintain good cruising speeds. The only downside to this aircraft is it's lower maneuverability, therefore it is best used as a hit-and-run fighter.

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Let me know what you think!

Edited by kidolvski
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I love the design, except for the "antenna" gun. The cool thing is I think it would even work in FAR and possible AJE+RF. So it is a good design all around. The only other thing I would add to it is a pilot escape system or cockpit ejection system. Most of my fighters have it now.

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I got one more version of the jet posted above, just a small change on the wings. I also tried to make a version looking like the F-104 Starfighter to achieve that "supersonic" look, but I could not generate enough lift using smaller wings.


Based on the MiG-23.

This is just another aircraft I built, my own replica of the SR-71


Edited by kidolvski
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Antenna gun is more of a thing for jets like A-10's I guess, here it is a bit overkill, I may remove it.

Do you have a link or anything for the pilot escape system because I tried making it but it did not really work.

Edit: noticed I had not even included a download link, silly me. It is included in the first post now.

Edited by kidolvski
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Ejection systems are pretty simple once you figure them out, like most things in KSP.

What I do is I attach behind the cockpit the SAS unit then the decoupler, on the SAS unit I put a single radial mounted parachute on the top right behind the canopy, and I attach 2-4 of those Sepetron Mk I. I set the decoupler and the sepetrons all in the ABORT action group, and put them in the staging together. I do not place the parachute in the same stage I place it in the last stage so it is never accidentally opened. The force of the decoupler and the sepetrons is more then enough to push the cockpit and SAS unit away from the doomed craft. This means your pilot will be a free falling capsule which all you have to do then is deploy the parachute and drift safely down to the surface.

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Ah you mean like that. I tried to put a radial parachute on the EVA chair and make it blast away from the jet using sepatrons. I actually got it right so that the pilot in the EVA seat was hidden inside the model of the cockpit. But the ejection system did not work.

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Ah you mean like that. I tried to put a radial parachute on the EVA chair and make it blast away from the jet using sepatrons. I actually got it right so that the pilot in the EVA seat was hidden inside the model of the cockpit. But the ejection system did not work.

You have the right idea just going about it wrong.




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