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The New, Completely OFFICAL Fan Works Challenge (This Week: Christmas!)

The Jedi Master

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OK, so you may remember the Fan Works challenge, which, while still stickied, hasn't been updated in a while. It was a fun little thing where Rodowser choose a theme, and everyone made something about KSP using that theme. It could be a ship, a story, even a piece of artwork--anything, really. It was fun, but the last theme was Australia, months ago.

Fear not, KSP Fan Workers! I, the Jedi Master, Master of the Mission Report, have had a most brilliant plan! This thread will act as an unofficial replacement until such time that the Fan Work Challenge is operational again. To be clear: The mods reserve the right to lock this at any time. Still, until the official one is restored, this should do.

UPDATE: This got sticked. OMG. And now it's OFFICIAL. OMG. This is the best day of my life!

Current Theme (new one every week!): Christmas

It's that time of year again, and tis the season to be kerbal! Make something that would make old Santa proud. Ho, ho, ho!

Edited by The Jedi Master
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It was a hot summer day, young kerbal children were splashing around in the surf of South Beach, near KSC, and all seemed well, at least on the surface. In truth, something was wrong here, something terrible. Kerbal astronomers had predicted it for decades, Kerbol, the star that had provided Kerbin with life for eons, was dying. When it's final reserves of Hydrogen were consumed, they said, the star would begin to expand, coming closer to Kerbin, until eventually, it would be engulfed. But destruction would come much sooner, in 20 years, the ice caps started to melt, and in 50, even the oceans were evaporating. It was a deadly feedback loop, one that relentlessly sped up and wreaked havoc. One year there would be a worldwide flood, and the next, a crippling drought. Kerbalkind could not stand up against this for much longer, a plan was drafted and signed by all the major powers of Kerbin, a ship would be sent, carrying a precious cargo of 1,000 cryogenically frozen kerbals to a nearby star system, with a lifeless, but potentially habitable planet. It took another hundred years to bring this plan to fruition, and sacrifices had to be made, the scientists and engineers feasted while the rest of the world starved. In those hundred years, untold billions died. And that is why, on this hot December day, thousands watched from South Beach as three transports were thrust into orbit atop long tongues of flame, never to return. Their hope, and indeed the hope of all Kerbals rested on their shoulders. A single tear ran down Addiline's face covered by the shade of her wide-brimmed sun hat. She looked down at a crumpled photograph of her and another Kerbal. "You always were my lucky brother, Tomlin." She whispered. She shoved it into her pocket and walked away. A wave washed over her footprints and then receded. All that was left was smooth white sand, a clean slate.

to be continued!..........maybe

don't judge, I wrote this in 15 mins, and on a tablet.

Edited by TheDataMiner
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Yay! This is alive again! :D

Note: The word "Completely" is spelled like I just spelled it. I don't like being hard on peoples' spellings of words, but this thread is Stickied, so I figure it's best to make the change sooner or later.

I'll definitely be posting something-or-another soon.

[EDIT: "Challenge" is misspelled, too! Please fix this. :) ]

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Mainly for inspiration, I present:



(Not too much of a spoiler, as this was bound to happen eventually. Typo intentional.)

Also, an aircraft carrier of my own, from last year's apollo mission.

This one does float.




However, it does not really carry aircraft.

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Boats eh...I have a few. Including Sparky the Underpowered Boat





I had this one going pretty fast then the struts broke at 130m/s



Then there is this...

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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