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Antipodal Biomes


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Short story: I need a way to find the biome of the antipodal point on a planet. Bonus points if it also can find the biomes of points defined by orthogonal lines to the line define by the antipodal points.

Long story: I want to set up Seismic Accelerometer's (Interstellar mod) and communication equipment on six points of Kerban, not underwater, that are farthest from eachother. For instance, 0, 90, 180, 360 degrees latitude along the equator and the north and south polls.

My current method involves planet spinning and am looking for a smarter one. Any ideas?

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Except Eve and Laythe. They have two.

Do they these days? Last I heard the oceas on laythe and eve had different descriptions when you do reports and samples, but science-wise they are 1 biome. It's caused by some bit in the code that identifies a different state for landing in water (splashdown) and on land.

I'm not a coder though, don't ask me about the details :P

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Do they these days? Last I heard the oceas on laythe and eve had different descriptions when you do reports and samples, but science-wise they are 1 biome. It's caused by some bit in the code that identifies a different state for landing in water (splashdown) and on land.

I'm not a coder though, don't ask me about the details :P

From the wiki:

However, this is just the effect of the situation "SrfSplashed" for a splashdown versus the usual "SrfLanded" surface landing.

Still, as far as the surface is concerned it might as well be an 'ocean' biome and 'land' biome (since the term isn't particularly appropriate anyway); the only real difference is that you're not going to get extra science for flying over an ocean like you are on Kerbin...yet :P

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The thing is that on Kerbin you can get "landed" science from the Ocean biome, if you either find a bit of land that counts or IIRC if you stand on a boat, and "splashed" science from terrestrial biomes if you find a river.

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I was gonna come in to suggest ScanSat, but someone already did that. But I will add that right now, the only planets that have biomes are Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus. Everything else has just one biome.

In my case I'm pretty sure I need to be landed, not floating, at each of the six coordinates for the Seismic Accelerators to work effectively and monitor for impacts. That has been true on Kerbin at least. Thank you all for the ScanSat recommendations!!!

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