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Kerbal Corp Wars!


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Hello! Me and my team members choninja21, delfiler, Th3F3aR, Caldari Navy, and Toylore are setting up a new KSP series. This series will intentionally be related to macey dean's series which stopped for some unknown reason. We need several people with decent recording software and mics. Enough to keep KSP at a good frame rate that is watchable. They will also need a editing software. Windows movie maker will be fine. Now that you know the requirements let's get to the general idea. This idea does need some specifics and polishing to do.

Into video:

most recent update video:


The world/story/thing:

The idea is it is an industrialized kerbal world. That means there are corps. These corps goals are to get money, science, and, in some cases, better kerbal society. Each "corp" will get their own designated regions of space where they will set up buildings to start making profits, money, and science. These corps are so powerful that they are almost considered a separate nations. Almost. The catch is KSP police are the most powerful government and have set up space rules. The only rule is, no killing kerbals. Everything else if fare game. Also a big thing to keep in mind, don't attack the KSP police. They are a force to be reckoned with.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/KerbalCorpWars/feed

ship submision forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101679-Kerbal-Corp-Wars-Ship-Submission

History: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z28ZIPrlHZnXK3B7ZeyjHre1g-vUT8l7Jf6cEOsDc0E/edit?usp=sharing

Backstory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1razaACxZoPAlMYLt1-5KSRjpF322bZUDx6ryxrk7bSw/edit?usp=sharing

Territory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gwfx2RPa0jxp3WmmXJ1m5dSwsh5Dt31CuVhqm0KLzoo/edit?usp=sharing

Diplomacy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ug_hOl2-8U02ceOM3kEBCLNQ4U5qP2ZxeHxtxnsK7zw/edit?usp=sharing

Warning! We do have a time zone requirement! These videos will be made in KSP multiplayer! Either through a mod, or when they add it! You have been warned. try to stick around (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Ask if not curtain. We will try to get you involved but we can't promise you anything.

The territory system:

How this works is every corp gets planets. On these planets they can build buildings, rovers, and armaments like ground to air missiles if they like. The only territory not available is kerbin, and the mun. That is the KSP polices. After that there will be discussion on separating territory in a fair way. That means there are probably going to be 2 corps in the Jool system.

To take a planet, eliminate all threats currently orbiting it and on the ground.

This include everything exempt trader buildings, big science building, and the colony. If there are some on it, then it will be contested and only the buildings and rovers will be producing science. The colony will be contested after the planet has been taken for 1 turn unless it's the original creator.

Combat rules:

Classifications will be put in the name of the ship. For combat we will go down the list, so if I have 5 fighters and you have none, then I get to use all of my fighters before we go to number 2. Gives lighter smaller ships more of a advantage and reason to be built. Initiator starts combat. Captain get's to choose which ship they want to use when that battle order is reached.

When firing, you may only fire one salvo. Only fighters can fire full stack. (A slavo is one layer of weapons, ask for separate rulings)

Otherwise everything is legal as long as you have a valid reason to do it. AKA no suicide unless you are a warmonger and you have had really really bad history with the other person. As in bad worse and kerbals killed. Movement rules are currently 10 to 15 seconds. Will be discussed more later.

Other rules:

1) Avoid killing people! You are a greedy corp, but not a killing monster! You DO NOT want the KSP police on you!

2) Avoid breaking science operations. You want to use these. The exceptions is not takeover able science vessels like ships, and rovers. You want to blow those up. That is why they will cost less

3) Do not try and build factories or science vessels outside you controlled zones. You may have some prepared to move in.

4) Do not build in KSP military owner sectors. AKA kerbain, and the mun ground and orbit, however you are allowed to park there temperately. No stations!

5) No fighting in kerbain orbit, it's suicide (optional rule but it's recommended you follow it). It is controlled by KSP police who don't want civilians seeing that.

Combat order: (the person who starts combat goes first.) Opening shot starts the combat, and that attackers ships go first after it.

Combat order goes by class of ship.

1) Fighter (type held in carrier, only light weapons)

2) Satellite defenses. (any weapons)

3) Frigate (type held only in supercarrier due to larger size. They are essentially bigger/armored fighters.) (about the size of the things ramming macy's fighters in the final fight) (small-medium missiles)

4) Cruiser (larger than frigate, smaller than battleship, carries standard weapons) (about the size of the ship with like 50 missles) (small-medium missles)

5) battleship (heavily armored, large weapons )(The armored thing that macy built that destroyed a carrier)

6) carrier (Cannot fire weapons, or carry frigates or anything bigger)

7) super-carrier (heavy/large sized carrier)

8) any sort of ground defense used to launch ships. (You are allowed to wait until the combat is just overhead. This may be subject to change.) <-- makes everything easier

9) other.

for ground:

1) light fast few weapons.

2) medium vehicles Either large weapons, lots of weapons, OR an even mix of both. Each case will be discussed separately.

3) heavy vehicles (have armor and weapons)

Can be attacked by spaceships! Don't build on planets with more than half of kerbals gravity for usefulness and avoiding annoyances reasons.


You can capture kerbals left over from a battle! You can get intl.

everyone needs to classify what lvl a kerbal is in each type of ship. 1-3

For example fighters are 1

carriers are 2

battleships are 2

super-carriers are 3

You need at lease lvl 2 in you attacking party to go capture a planet, but you have to have ad least one lvl 3 existing.

You can get the gist of what they were trying to do from lvl 1

You can get full mission info and hints at the reason from 2

You can get war plans from lvl 3

Don't just park your lvl 3 in kerbin orbit.


supercarrier is 3 FP (fleet points)

Carrier is 2 FP

battleship is 2 FP

cruiser is 1 FP

Each fleet will get 8 FP to start with and then we can test to see just how big that number can get.

Fast Travel:

This is still a youtube series. We want to make it so we can go places and combat can happen, so we added some reasonable fast travel.

Travel rules:

It takes 1 turn to travel to a planet per planet from the start.

To go to and from jool and eeloo is a additional turn.

Planet Development:

growth to turn 20. Cap growth at 20.

when taken: "turns" of developed done are halved.

10% bonus for controlling a system.

if it is small, like a moon, it gets a 25% negative

if it has a atmosphere it gets a 25% bonus

1BP bonus for being in the jool system.

+1BP per turn

after 10 +.5BP

after 15 +.25BP


You sell the ship to the trader and the trader can land the ship at home and recycle it to make see how much BP he gets.

All types of carriers get 50% discount.

All ion gets a 50% discount.

The Crew:

Everyone has to crew. While you won't have to buy crew or pay money for them you do have to worry about them. If one of your crew is captured and interrogated, then they must reveal army locations, plans, and or weak points on a ship. You might want to put some escape pods on your ships. You may only capture enemy crew if they are in a wreckage or in your ship. Crew in buildings can't have this done to them. This should add more incentive to be careful where you fire.


That or maybe start with:

1 colony

1 mine

+30BP for ships.

The trader will have a very different set of rules when it comes to territory and buildings!

Trader rules:

instead of building to get construction points, they get a base plus and they can build stations anywhere! They also aren't allowed to be attacked due to being considered kerbal citizens.

They can spend these to construct satellites and they will get .25 per part on the station. Don't spam parts. You have a lot of planets to orbit. They also receive an additional .5 per planet that has a functioning station. A functioning station can hold crew, has lots of fuel for trade, and have weapons to be sold. They can sell these for cp at regular rates above or higher, or they can give weapons and stuff for favors. They can request anything, but the person doesn't have to accept it. Also note, they can sell full ships!

Each station part will cost 3 BP.

also we will allow mods that make your life easier without breaking the game. Like nav ball additions. There is also a extreemly high chance we will use a multiplayer mod. This the timezone requirement. It will makes battles go faster, and get things set up faster.

The to do list:

1) iron out the idea of ship building. (costs and or more ship types) 60% testing needed

2) iron out the idea of buildings. (add more buildings and changing numbers/ratios) 60% ideas in place. Need to look over one more time.

3) Try and get more people 99% (satisfied)

4) get in contact and skype each other and stuff. 100%

5) Figure out recording schedule 100%

6) Decide on starting stuff. (Locations, and BP/ ships and buildings.) 80%

7) Add more stuff if it is good and works well. ?%

8) Story 80%

9) add more to the to-do list, if you can think of anything I missed. 1-100%

These are ideas. Share your thoughts and play the devil's advocate, please. Also remember this post was just posted so it will have some errors. Just let me know.

Edited by StrahmDude
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oh the time is gonna be a little problem but i will try and i can record but my KSP audio will be okay my voice though will more hear-able and i like the rules but expect me to be an AI commander

:cool: all your bases belong to me XD and when i do ground units they will be big and maybe will just crush your tank ^^'

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the rules are fine and but the time will be a little problem since i do live in holland so i have an CEST of +1, my recording audio is okay but KSP will be soft while my voice is stronger and i will be mostly using AI controlled ships/stations and grund units but everything will be super sized and self protecting, like my refuel ship, it carries a ton of suicide bombs on it to harm or scare ships off but i'm mostly gonna play a Political AI

(sorry if i'm spamming can't see if my messages are bing posted ;.;)

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sure but i will protect my trade if it's needed and then you better get the hell out of orbit or you will be devistated cause most of my weapons are either smart missiles or ramming ships or penetrating scatter bombs (so the bomb first penetrates the hull then spreads the smaller bombs) and i'm good at aiming i practised a LOT! and the time zone is a problem yeah i thought so but i think i can be online when you guys are most of the time

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I approve of the music. Hopefully we can get you in some battles, but only if times match up. You will sell ships to control battles, so be careful what ships you give people. I think I am going to add a no stealing ships rule.

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stealling should be allowed but keep the realism in it, example: jeb can take on one kerbal in a ship but can't take on more then that thanks to his stats /stupidity and courage/ like when you have a kerbal with full courage he can take on 2 and dares to go on space walks in the middle of a battle, a kerbal with full stupidity can also go on space walks but can take on one kerbal, we need to measure that

here you can see a few kerbals with their stats: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/File:Astronautcomplex.PNG

and ninja when you posted your time it was 9:16 PM by me, and dude when you posted your time it was 02:19 AM by me so i guess we can go around 7 PM ninja's time since it's 6 PM by dud then right? if so we have about 2:30 hours of record fighting time since it's then 10:30 PM by me after that time and we can travel when ever we want right? it's not like anyone would dishonor each other and mess with each others ship and if you doubt that make a screen shot of your ship and system/orbit/planet so you can check if everything is still in place and still in one piece and if something goes wrong for the one who isn't the owner of the ship please be honest and tell exactly what you did, it might be an accident or a tiny bug of the game itself, we won't get mad as long your are honest and tell the truth

and then i have a question how are we gonna launch ships on our planets we are suppose to build on with no mods? i mean i do know that there is a mod that helps with that but macey did it all stock and I want to keep that in honor for him. So how about we build the ships on kerbin and use the infinite fuel to fly to our own planets/systems/orbits land it as close as possible to our base (since we don't have launch pads and you can't land everytime on the same spot, if you can good for you) then turn off the infinite fuel and launch from there? you can use all the extra cheats if needed to get there except gravity cause that effects everyone and can make ships go flying out of the orbit

then my second question is part clipping allowed to build ships? yes i know what i said but i mean it to make make protective covers like fairings or heat shields to land your ship (just putting in a bit of realism :D) and make parts connect that don't want to connect and not to make a super fuel tank that is cheating or to make super kerbal storage that is also cheating, just for the stuff to make your ship look better or make something work, like for some odd reason (happens to me at least) you can't put side mounted RCS tanks on your ship when there is nothing in the way or you can't attach a docking port for some odd reason or you have your heat shild nearly done but that one last gape doesn't want to be filled in or the heat shield you just build doesn't want to connect for some odd reason

and okay but then you guys need to send me the ships so i can launch them and dock them to my ship selling station, you can even buy some of my weapons. they aren't as strong as mine (need to think of myself as well) but they do pack a hard as hell punch and you better not go buy one fly out of range for me then attack me cause then you let hell rain on yourself literally and figuratively, and sometimes i will sell prototypes so you buy them at your own risk, they can be a major success or back fire like crazy, you just need to make sure you get the staging right and know the action groups the ship/weapon has, i will upload a picture of my weapons and prototypes that you can buy in the game on DA (deviantart) with in the description are the action groups, so when something doesn't work, don't blame me and think logical and read the description!

and i think uploading a picture of the ships you are gonna use/ can be sold is gonna be handy right? and i hope my prototype ships/weapons will make this one crazy war, making the war bend to one side one moment then the other the second moment

and got to love doom for the music and some people who want it in a metal version

well i hope to hear from you guys soon and this helped you guys

Edited by delfiler
grammar errors, adding small details
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First of clipping is fine, we want all ships to look their best, we launch all ships from kerbain, and yes we would need to send you weapon schematics so you could sell them. Also yes the server will be up as much as possible, so you can move aroind ships and we can take pictures for double checking and I can take backups and stuff.

I also like the idea of you putting pictures of you ship of with action groups and stuff, so we can get a good look.

I haven't thought about stealing....

The kerbales would be under normal movement rules.

We are suppose to try and avoid killing kerbals.

I mean if you can get into the cockpit and fly across space I see no problem with it. There would be equal risk vs. reward. Also I would say one kerbal could only take on one. I don't want to mess with checking stats.

Overall I am ok with this rule. I will add it.

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okay nice but how are we gone determine how far a kerbal can go? cause a kerbal can fly far if you do it right, like it can make an orbit around the mun and land on it again so just flying over would be a bit easy, i mean everyone would stick to the 1 kerbal cockpits to prevent stealing that way, so i say it takes 3 whole turns to steal so it would be like me, ninja, me, ninja, me and finally ninja again so i have 3 turns to steal it and ninja will have 3 turns to prevent it and how far can a kerbal go as an example, 4 units of the eva pack per turn to move and stop in a position fair right? and with me it's gone be a b.i.t.c.h. XD since i nearly only use unmanned command parts, but i will have hitch hiker containers so we can 'negotiate' the price of the ships/weapons you want to buy and hire your pilots for your ships (if you at least like the idea of me doing all the selling)

i will use the hitchhiker containers to also bring your pilots to your system, this one will also have an unmaned command part but will have an emergency cockpit, so if the power is depleted you can fly the ship yourself (if you want, again a bit of reality:D) and bring your pilots safely to your system/orbit/planet or you can position the ship so it will charge it's batteries again (yeah it happens sometimes to me that the ships isn't positioned right:sealed:)

the ships at the selling station will be secured in their 'hangars' (except the huge ass ships ^^') so when someone tries to steal it they can't go anywhere except into the hangar door damaging the ship, all ships will also be unarmed in the hangar so they will be useless none the less

for ground units i will have a special system at the space station so you can de-orbit and land at my planet and can be send back with the same system so you can see with your own 'eyes' how the ground units work, look and handel (again reality:D) but i'm not that good at ground units, they will be either bulky as hell and slow or are fast but have a HIGH risk of flipping out, i only have 1 unarmed exploring buggy that you can use as scout as light unit

well i hope to see you schematichs soon ^^

my E-mail: [email protected]

p.s. if you guys want i could build the rockets for on the ships, already have a few ready to be used for myself > : D one is a defense satellites and every, seriously, every part can be used as an weapon and all the missles/rockets/probs on it are selfguiding smart missles/rockets/probs, i will make one for you guys as well only with less of a punch but still pretty darn hard and i have an orbital strike system with a 'clip' of 20 > : D no one will mess with my planet/orbit/system or you will get my secert weapon to your system C:< i will tell you the ammo size it has, about 200 missles/rockets i think i can take out your flight air, space and ground with in a few turns since it is thick armored and yes it's a cube and no not inspired by the borg

p.p.s. i would like to have duna, me likie mars C: :3 (yes i like mars a lot so mysterious that planet)

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The trader wouldn't have any planets, we would use big space stations to get his cp. However we could talk about giving you one of kerbains muns or something, but the idea is that with no territory, no one will want to attack you. They would just make you an enemy and then you could finance their enemy out of spite and cost them the war and a planet or to.

Also the kerbals would follow the standard movement rules. The timed movement.

Also if you have a empty cockpit, then any kerbal can jump in and steal it. Also if we try to do anything mean to you, we have to wait till your online, so you can react.

Also I am thinking either a increase of 1 or 2 to make completely unmanned ships.

Missiles can be unmanned for free. They are missiles. Also all ships used to send stuff into orbit can be unmanned for free so you can just crash it into kerbain.

This also reminded me of a factor. peace. Peace would most likely occur when both side's armies were getting to weak and they wanted to stop, because they don't want to be defenseless.

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mmmm yeah good point but i would like a place to call home then to instead travel from territory one then to the other and since Duna is pretty central everyone can reach it, it has a slightly weaker gravity but the resaults of vechiles would be the same so, that is why i would like a planet as a little test site

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he good idea man i will play both so i have a war with myself XDno seriously though who will play the blackmarket? and i was planning to use Duna's moon as a look out post

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