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Kerbal Corp Wars!


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that would be awesome

IT would be the best video ever! We could at least do some sort of dogfight series where we create two ships either on the ground or air and fight with missiles and such. People would watch that.

Now getting back on topic, we need some sort of turn based thing going on to give a actual advantage to numbers advantage, otherwise they would just lose more ships that never got to fire.

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IT would be the best video ever! We could at least do some sort of dogfight series where we create two ships either on the ground or air and fight with missiles and such. People would watch that.

Now getting back on topic, we need some sort of turn based thing going on to give a actual advantage to numbers advantage, otherwise they would just lose more ships that never got to fire.

If we limited the number of missiles any one ship had it would give great incentive to have lots of ships and thus have lots of missiles.

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If we limited the number of missiles any one ship had it would give great incentive to have lots of ships and thus have lots of missiles.

But if we have no set up turns you won't get to fire all of them, because you're enemy will blow up thoes ships and get more moves per ship due to having fewer numbers. His battleship will move before several of your fighters.

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But if we have no set up turns you won't get to fire all of them, because you're enemy will blow up thoes ships and get more moves per ship due to having fewer numbers. His battleship will move before several of your fighters.

We need a turn order to prevent mass chaos and sadness.

In other news check out my new prototype :D


Edited by choninja21
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We need a turn order to prevent mass chaos and sadness.

In other news check out my new prototype :D


Not bad. It is going to have very good acceleration. It also has 2 small missiles and a nice simple setup with the rcs. Can't wait to try fighting it.

The only negitive thing I can say is that is seems a bip exposed and easily destroyable.

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hey i've been thinking about the buildings and i think we should make it so it takes a turn to build things, has this been touched on?

also choninja, 68 parts? Not to be rude but do you think you could get rid of some pointless parts, that is of course if you find any. This brings up a good point, instead of using 8 fleet points i think we should base it off of part count

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hey i've been thinking about the buildings and i think we should make it so it takes a turn to build things, has this been touched on?

also choninja, 68 parts? Not to be rude but do you think you could get rid of some pointless parts, that is of course if you find any. This brings up a good point, instead of using 8 fleet points i think we should base it off of part count

There are no pointless parts. It may sound like a lot but keep in mind things like solar panels, lights, struts and rcs thrusters are all parts.

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hey i've been thinking about the buildings and i think we should make it so it takes a turn to build things, has this been touched on?

also choninja, 68 parts? Not to be rude but do you think you could get rid of some pointless parts, that is of course if you find any. This brings up a good point, instead of using 8 fleet points i think we should base it off of part count

We have limited BP, we don't need turns to build things as well. We could put in a delay though. What do you guys think?

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