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The Ultimate Sims

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Imagine Sapient, Intelligent Sims with the capability to move not using animations but instead using physics. Actually picking something up rather than moving the model with the hand. Imagine the Sims eyes casting rays out and seeing real objects instead of generic objects. Actually seeing shape, color, etc, and being curious at the shape.

Imagine a whole world of these, constructed by players, and run by Server Farms. Imagine that instead of telling a Sim to perform an act and it performs an animation, You give a strong suggestion to do the act. These Sims would, depending on their traits, even be capable of using willpower to resist the suggestion.

What if the world was a solar system, the world being as big as our own solar system, and the world is totally physics-based.

What if there were machines that could manufacture pieces based on what the player or design-profession Sims create for construction. Now imagine that any young Sims with enough aspiration were to order as many of those parts as they needed. You could find a Phineas and Ferb Sims who do nothing but build amazing physical contraptions that do amazing things. (I may be watching too much cartoons lately)

Imagine all the prejudice Sims would have if they were brought up with a Sim of a certain color bully them, and then they grow up and keep hating that color of Sim. Imagine the unfortunate Racism that would develop.

Imagine again that the world was a solar system, and all of the space geek's Sims worked in the space industry, manufacturing, and launching. Imagine the space Empire they could create.

Imagine all of the NPC sims eventually realizing that some are under control and/or observation, they might revolt. What then would happen?

What if all the NPCs, surely not able to directly kill any Sims with guns or anything like that, build contraptions to trap "Zombie" Player Sims, and even though they are crushed, they only die because they run out of food.

Imagine what a world that would be. Would you want to control a Sim in this world, knowing that they, even with sapience, are still not free? Would you want your Sim to be prejuciced against for being a "Zombie"? Would you try and lead a player-made resistance fighting the NPCs under your own power, trying to kill them so only proper player sims exist?

Would you get banned if that happened? Of course you would, just as you would in real life. It's called jail, or Permaban being the death sentence.

But here's the thing. If these Sims are real people, and they're killing each other, should they go to jail? Yes. But what happens if a Human forces a sapient Sim to die? Should he go to jail for Murder?

Once this gets out of hand, and they ban everyone from the server, do you just shut down the server? Do you NPC-ify all the Player Character "Zombies" and just let them keep going until they kill themselves? And if they are not brutal enough to kill each other once everyone's an NPC, what happens when humans die off, or let the Sim-ulator die? Does the entire species die?

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