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Camp Century- the giant 1960's US Army base in Greenland

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I recently stumbled across a Youtube video on "Camp Century", a US Army under-ice base constructed in Greenland in 1960 to test techniques for arctic/polar construction of nuclear missile silos:

Camp Century was in operation from 1960-1966, before being abandoned due to instability of the ice sheets...


Here's an article on it NOT from Wikipedia:


It was preceded by Camp Fistclench before it, built in 1957:


Aside from being utterly-awesome, and very reminiscent of the Rebel base on Hoth in Star Wars, it also occurred to me that it could teach us some useful lessons for someday setting up a subsurface base on the Moon...

Admittedly, the Moon would be a LOT more challenging of an environment, and astronauts/robots would have a lot less mass in equipment/supplies to work with (any serious effort would probably need to be preceded by much cheaper access to space), but it's still interesting nonetheless...

What do you guys think?



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