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Stock v13.2 - "Cradle-3"

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I think I posted everywhere EXCEPT the right place, so here\'s my Cradle-3. I\'ve had four successful munar landings, and two successful munar missions with it. Enjoy, but remember this: DON\'T CHANGE DIRECTION UNDER BOOSTER POWER. Wait for apoasis to be 70K, around 40K of altitude, shutdown, tilt, power up. Also, remember to dump the boosters when the four engines cut out.
















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Really? Under BOOSTER power? I\'m surprised. :D

However, MrBark Rocketry Designs Inc. cannot be held liable for any and all damages, including loss of life, resulting from operating the rocket outside of designed parameters. ;)

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Out-dated THE VERY DAY I post it. LMAO.

Oh well, v0.14 Cradle-4 has been built and, thanks to the save feature, is currently enroute to the Mun. If you two guys who downloaded Cradles 2&3 enjoyed it, you\'ll love 4. I added some new features, and now an enhanced lander can make it into orbit in under two stages, meaning TMI can be accomplished partially with the boosters, a fuel savings!

I want a successful mission before posting the .craft file though, so you two stay tuned. :D

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