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Space Cities

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When I first started playing KSP I thought it would be cool to have a floating 'Space City' orbiting the sun. I have not had a successful launch except P.S.S. (Put Satellite around Sun). Anyway I wanted to put this here so you can post your space cities, and if you don\'t have one, try and make one! You must have 0.14 x4 if you want your city to stay around the sun. Below is P.S.S.

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I\'ve actually been working on getting a city of sorts into orbit, but it\'s still in the experimental phase. No weapons attached as of yet but there are plans to deck it out.


Mixed results in getting it to be stable, the arms tend to snap off at the base. The number of struts involved is started to slow down fps considerably.


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HOLY CRAP! That there is a lot of habitation!

My biggest sky city was this:



Structural stability and vibration is always the biggest obstacle, at least for me. Anyone can put together the raw lifting power, but keeping the payload from tearing itself apart is . . . tricky.

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