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KSP meets The Sims 2... [To be closed]


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A while back... I made a family in the Sims 2, and for no reason... Decided that Jebediah, Bill, and Bob (all obviously Kerman... and are brothers). And.... I got some interesting stories from this family (and more to come!!!)... and I have been wanting for a while to sit down and write it out to the world... So, here it is! The Adventures of the KSP Trio in... The Sims 2!!

So, this all began with the three moving into a moderately sized home... the story was simple, they moved in... got jobs and skilled in each for a set amount of time. Granted, with my style of play, each are in need badly of each stat... but they do achieve great skills in the first day (I think Jeb got 6 body in one go, no joke). I got each of them jobs based on their lifetime wants: Jeb wanted to be an athlete (a fitting job for Jeb); Bob wanted to be a Criminal Mastermind (woah Bob... I knew you were a member of Hanland... but jeesh, your dark!!); and Bill wanted to be a Mad Scientist (fitting for him... in my opinion). Each worked diligently and each was successful and daily endeavors... but by each day... things get much more... hilarious.

For starters, Jeb wants friends fast and effectively... no matter the social boundaries (I do this often for friends)... and fell in love with a male "co-worker" that came home with him. He immediately becomes friends and are making out in the front lawn as everyone else who is normal, skills.

Skipping into the future... Jeb brings home another person from work, but this time a female. They fell in love and got married soon after. By this point, Jeb was an All-Star, Bob was a few ranks below max... same for Bill. However, at the time of their marriage... (along with the money brought in by her) they we're rich enough to by a new house... but they decided (because I wanted to know what I was getting and... make it interchangeable) to make their own house... so they made it and in the end it was a- 3BedRoom, 2Bath- house (with other rooms ofc). It was nicely sized and plenty of room for all. The couple had a room up stairs.

In each floor was different stuff... but to give the details... there was a "foyer", with a bunch of sofas... from there it lead to a variety of rooms. Such as the skilling room (pretty self explanatory if you ask me), the main bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and one of the bedrooms. It also lead to the stairs, which themselves lead to the second floor which held a walkway leading to a small bathroom, the "to-be" kids room... and the couples room.

It wasn't soon after... the game got funny... for random reasons... but for starts, Jeb... would not get promoted for any reason past assistant coach... He was in perfect shape, but the game refused to promote him... which was harsh considering Bob also had difficulty, but this was due to the fact he never got time to skill for his promotion before his work schedule got him... Bill was the only one in good shape with work.

Usually when I play the Sims, I play it with my friend who does too. But my style of play and his, are completely different. At this time in his game... (please don't get offended, this is not meant to be mean... but rather jokingly), he was just as successful and at the same point as my family... but he had his sim, "Black Asian Lady" (no joke... that's the sim's name) marry Mortimer Goth... (granted it was for his money). After doing so, they got into a fight, and he decided (based on her want to see his ghost, aka see him die), that he would kill him... So as I was getting these guys to max skills... He was killing Mortimer.

Finally, everyone reaches maximum in their skills. Life is great! However, due to another family needing money... I decide that this family needs a break and pull him into another (fittingly, this family has Scott Manley! Along with other unimportant members). So after, Anya (or however you spell her name), falls pregnant... and shortly after delivers. However, less than three days later... for no apparent reason... with plenty of hunger (yes... I have done this deliberately... why this happened I don't know)... she starved to death getting some breakfast. I (along with the other sims) were shocked at this... so I got Jeb (the strongest member of the family) to challenge death! Not knowing that it's random and completely controlled by the computer... rendering the encounter a rigged result... not rigged for the computer, just rigged in that there is nothing to do to change the outcome.

So in the wave of this "massive trauma", for the new born child we made it a room... (a large room too). Where it could grow. Where it now stays as a toddler. However... a common parasite fell amongst my sims... "Baby-Obsession". It is a condition, where a sim cannot stop themselves... from HANDLING THE BABY. The only known cure for this, is to remove the door, when not needing to use the baby. However, this is not a full cure to this. Sims may still spend hours complain that they cannot access the baby. The reason this is such a problem is that Sims will wake at all hours of the night... even with under 5% energy left, wake up and hold the baby... usually not even feeding it. Just hold it... why the Sims do this, we do not know. Moreover, this can kill your sims if caution is not taken to prevent this. So there is obvious reason why I was mad during this portion of the game...

In my rage... Jeb decided to go on and get another lover... but due to coincidence, he had met a Vampire in town a while before... so he decided to call him one night. They then soon after, fall in love and he moved in with 50k in hand. However, we would soon learn, this was in fact, a CURSE. Unbeknownst to me, Vampires must sleep in their coffin or else they take serious damage due to sunlight. So I let him live his life indoors... and decide, what the heck, he's my sim... why not let him take a walk outdoors toDAY... so I did, and it drained his hunger/energy/bladder/hygiene... almost instantly... obviously leading to his death. So I rebooted the save prior to his death... and played it again. But I didn't know that just having him out of the coffin was lethal... so soon after, he was eating breakfast and he REFUSED to eat, because he was tired, and I let him sleep in his food, but it drained faster than it drained. So he slowly grew to the point were he would reach for his food, prior to complaining about something else. He continued his compliants until I decided to fix each problem one by one. So I "moveobjects" cheated him over to the bathroom to pee and shower. That however, did not work... since he never got to the bathroom in time. So I decided to put him in his coffin because of his low sleep levels (I didn't know... I was just fixing a problem).

This continued on where he wouldn't get in. He continued on and on... until he died. I got Bob (since Jeb was at work at the time), to plead for him... but it was fruitless as he lost. So I rebooted the save. Then I got a windowless room for him. With everything he would need during the day, including a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and TV. So I let him live in there until I gave him food, where he left immediately to drop food over the house. I noticed that he was hurt at the time, but I thought it was because he left the room. On his way back I noticed that he was still hurt, even IN his darkened room. So I got him in his coffin, because at that point it made since... So I did... but he immediately got out again due to starvation... So this again, lead to his death... Bob pleaded, again failing. So I restart again, this time getting him in the coffin prior to morning... sadly, at the start of the save, the sun has risen and he has also fallen victim of the baby parasite. So he is also upstairs, trying to get the baby at start.

So I put him there... but at this point, he is already badly hurt (due to the fact I didn't know)... So I immediately put him in... but sadly his bad mood prevents him from staying in... so I give at this point and refill his stats by cheats. Then, I put in him bed... sadly, with all full stats, he won't stay asleep... So I spend the entire sim day... pulling him back to sleep... with the cheesy haunted mansion sound effects from his sleeping/waking. Me and friend watch... for a good five minutes (as the start), and by the time he did it a 20th time... me and him were in pain.. suffocating from laughter. We could not breathe... we don't know why, but the cheesy music, with his overdone acting... it was for some reason hilarious. We couldn't breathe. It hurt afterwards... but I continued anyway... because it was the only way to keep him alive... and at this point, he is on a day-by-day basis. If he dies... I really won't care, because he is a curse from the pits of Vampire Hell... So I have no sympathy.

This is a story to continue, so I will add onto this... or otherwise. But please, tell me what you think... I have parts I simply can't remember so I will add if I remember... Also, tell me if you want more... or whatever. I found this interesting, so I got my fun from it :) .

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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Sometimes if a story is too big and too cluttered all into one post people don't read it sadly.

Also, bumping every four hours with no reply....

Ah whatever :) I got another story be written. I hope this gets some attention though.

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