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The K-2 MBT With L-55 Smoothbore Cannon (WIP)

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Random post... THE K-2 MBT.

Each of the heat rounds are depleted uranium cored and fit the popular L-55 120 mm smooth bore main cannon. Their is also space for the optional active defense system and a slanted frontal armor section along with the provisions for a turret aiming system, which is under development. The cannon has demonstrated terminal velocities in excess of 500 m/s along with room for at least two rounds. Space for missiles and flotation devices is also built in.

The front two circular lights are also red non co2 based lasers.

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Edited by andrew123
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Great looking vehicle but one thing is just wrong....

"the heat rounds are depleted uranium cored..."

A HEAT round can not be cored with depleted Uranium. A HEAT round, High Explosive Anti-Tank round is a chemical penetrator and requires an explosive force to melta a copper or other low melting point metal into a magma jet that burns/melts through the armor of a tank using a mix of kenitic force and chemical energy. Depleted Uranium has a MUCH higher melting point and would only go thud into the side of a tank if fired at with a typical HEAT round.

What you are looking for is a APFSDSDU round, or AP for short. APFSDSDU = Armor Peircing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium round. Which is used by the Rhienmetal L55 120mm, I think they are currently using the M829A3.

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Ah... I mixed up my ammunition types. Thanks for the catch. Also, the armor piercing action on my round uses multiple structural cores with an i beam interlaced with a nuclear generator. Let's just imagine the kerbals made a plasma based heat round... but I think that a sabot is in order.




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