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My first mission to EVE! CCCP style[PIC HEAVY]


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Hello everyone!

Today I'll show you my recent mission, "Eve Observer" (yep, title isnt good)

When I started to prepare for this mission, I've decided not to invent bicycle, and used ideas of Soviet engineers.

Missions to Venus IRL vere made pretty cool. Ship consisted from orbital satellite and little "lander", which in general was a ball made of titanium, several parachutes and some sciency tech.

So I did the same thing.

Here is the whole spaceship dureing interplanetary transfer


On the top is the orbital module with comm-dish and space experiments. Next to the left is a lander capsule, and the atomic booster


Booster got separated, the only engines are a manuever on orbital satt and deorbit stage for the capsule.


Harsh atmospheric entry. I was surprised, when I saw a 4603 m/s entry speed.


This is my first image, showing Eve's landscapes. Cloud layer was too thick to make nice pictures, however, it had reduced my speed greatly.


Another shot of capsule. Surface ablation and close terminator gave enough light to see something.


First atmos probing and temperature measures. Numbers were interesting.

Also, here can be seen surface drill and laser vaporiser.


....and touchdown! Yet it was difficult to make this thing stand still. Some joints has stretched because of Eve's gravity


During the daytime the landscape can be seen way better. Note the solid-fuel boosters on top. Theese were for impactor experiment. The last stage of capsule fires those engines and separates the cap. After some flying it crushed into the rocks nearby, giving me 850 points'o'science! that was amazing, but I ecounterd a serious problem.

Even with built-in RTG, capsule electric charge dries. When I tried to transmit data from inmpactor - I was frustrated. The data was lost, and can't be remade in closest perspective.

So yes, that was my first Eve mission on 0.23.5! I think next stop will be a mothership sent there, with nuclear-powered spaceplane aboard.

Also, I've made around 1500 science during this single run, which allowed me to unlock the rest on basic tech tree.

Thanks for reading!

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Nice, great mission, and beautiful screenshots :D Hope you'll manage to land your spaceplane, but yo shouldn't une a nuclear engine on your spaceplane x)


Well, nuclear propulsion with Interstellar is far better then convential NERVA's.

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