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Homeworld 3 :D


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Anyone know what Homeworld was? Well it was a epic rts game in space!!! But the last game was released in 2005 D: but THQ and Relic Entertainment agreed that they would make Homeworld 3 (YAY!!) if you sign a petition: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/homeworld3 but it has to reach 10, 000 before they make it ( D: ) so sign it !!!! (for science >:D )


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Gearbox bought up the IP after THQ tanked. They're remastering HW and HW2 for modern systems. Another developer (with a lot of HW talent that used to work for Relic) has been working on a game they were calling Hardware: Shipbreakers. After Gearbox acquired the HW IP, the makers of Shipbreakers partnered with them and retooled the game into a spinoff of HW, retitling it Homeworld: Shipbreakers. It takes place on Kharak, where the player is tasked with running a salvage company to acquire ancient ship wreckage in the Great Desert.

Gearbox has said that they'd be interested in making HW3 if HW:S and the remastered originals do well enough.


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Gearbox bought up the IP after THQ tanked. They're remastering HW and HW2 for modern systems. Another developer (with a lot of HW talent that used to work for Relic) has been working on a game they were calling Hardware: Shipbreakers. After Gearbox acquired the HW IP, the makers of Shipbreakers partnered with them and retooled the game into a spinoff of HW, retitling it Homeworld: Shipbreakers. It takes place on Kharak, where the player is tasked with running a salvage company to acquire ancient ship wreckage in the Great Desert.

Gearbox has said that they'd be interested in making HW3 if HW:S and the remastered originals do well enough.


Great news, indeed.

Those games were gems, all of them

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