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Testing unusual designs

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Using KW Rocketry and NovaPunch optimized for 23.5, I am playing with unusual designs to see how they perform.

In the tutorial for five sided symmetry, I have posted several designs that have performed surprisingly well. This thread will test out unconventional ideas.

First one posted is a ship limited to using the Orbital Bertha on all stages and the large lander can. The asparagus booster uses the same engine as the core and similar fuel capacity and weight being lifted. Note, the first piece of the cone on the boosters is also a fuel can. The cone on the lander can just a shell.

Flight was extremely stable for such a fat rocket as well as the acceleration well with end the ideal launch profile for orbiting.

The rocket;


In orbit with more then enough fuel for a pass at Mun, Minmus, or flyby to Duna.


The small cone on top contains a thruster package useful for limited maneuvering, deorbiting, or pulling away from the last stage.

Edit, to update photos. Note the very high payload weight ratio on this design.

Edited by SRV Ron
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The unusual design landing craft launch vehicle;


The ship orbiting Minmus;


A close up of the two piece design;




Because all engines fire from the separate fuel cans, the lander has been designed to use the fuel up from the lower section before the upper fuel can is emptied. I would have preferred a fuel line connecting both but that didn't work out. The landing section gets staged when empty and the upper is ditched with engines on low thrust prior to reentry. The lander can has its own parachutes.

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The fat orbiter at Mun


I could see splitting this last stage into a lander. You use the lower stage to land ditching it at 1,000 meters to land with the upper stage.

The unusual lander on Minmus.



Both ships flew well.

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