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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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hey Peppie,

can you add kind of an option to automatically set the targets for the dishes?

i cant do it at the launchpad, cause they are in a fairing.. so i always have to click around once i am in orbit.

Would be grat if i could at least chose the planets & moons in the editor already.


Hi Speadge, as Sigma wrote, you can pre select the targets on the launch pad if you go to the map view. On github we've some topics for this "problem" but I'm still not sure what we should do. So if you've some ideas you can post them on github and discuss with others to get a clearer feature for this. :)

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thx, will check that out.

just hoped for a action group for the "select target" thingie or the ability to chose moons in the editor ;)

anyway, will have a look to the github ideas.

Edited by Speadge
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I don't remember if this was from an earlier version of RT2 or if it was from RT1 but will the old dishes that actually pointed to the target ever make a return? I always thought it was cool that they had animations to point at what you specified and would love to see them return!

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What the.. This came with new update. Antenna is powered and pointed correctly, map shows link, but RT writes "no connection" and doesn't let me to control the ship. Even after i hyperedited a kerbal to it and restarted antenna - i had control just for a couple of save-loads. Then - i lost it again

s_1435348758_5390858_bd9254fbca.png s_1435348758_4029251_083b30c639.png

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What the.. This came with new update. Antenna is powered and pointed correctly, map shows link, but RT writes "no connection" and doesn't let me to control the ship. Even after i hyperedited a kerbal to it and restarted antenna - i had control just for a couple of save-loads. Then - i lost it again

Need some more infos about your network. What are the targets of your satellite "SysAdmin" ?

Edit: Hit ALT+F2, can you see any errors? (red messages) or just send me your ksp.log

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Need some more infos about your network. What are the targets of your satellite "SysAdmin" ?
It is a relay on Minmus orbit. The targets are this ship and Kerbin. It has connection and works... Oh, sh.. I think i know what the problem is. All my LKO sats are targeted to "Active vessel". And when i switch to my problem ship the connection between Kerbin and Minmus breaks. But... why it works just after manual restart of the antenna?
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yeah, that sounds weird. Is it possible that you send me your save + mod list? I want to look into this "issue"



Disable relays between kerbin and minmus, hyperedit kerbal to the ship, re-activate antenna, manually set the same target and it should work for a while

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Disable relays between kerbin and minmus, hyperedit kerbal to the ship, re-activate antenna, manually set the same target and it should work for a while

Hi Shpiler, i can't reproduce your error. Here my steps what i've done:

- disabled the dish (KR7, Target: Minmus) on your satellite "StrangeSat"

- disabled the dish (KR7, Target: Minmus) on your satellite "GenSat"

- switched to "The Skillet"

Result: no connection

I'm not sure what you mean with "hyperedit kerbal", so i tried this:

- back to the space center and launched a command pod with Jeb

- hyperedit a rendezvous with "The Skillet" and a lead time of 0.01

- started an EVA with jeb

Now i've done different ways:

- de-/activated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

- reassigned the target "SysAdmin" (with jeb)

Result: no Connection

- de-/activated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

Result: no Connection

- reassigned the target "SysAdmin" (with jeb)

Result: no Connection

- deactivated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

- reassigned the target "SysAdmin" (with jeb)

- activated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

Result: no Connection

- deactivated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

- assigned the target "Kerbin" (with jeb)

- activated the Communotron 88-88 (with jeb)

- assigned the target "SysAdmin" (with jeb)

Result: no Connection

- - - Updated - - -

I don't remember if this was from an earlier version of RT2 or if it was from RT1 but will the old dishes that actually pointed to the target ever make a return? I always thought it was cool that they had animations to point at what you specified and would love to see them return!

Hi Nhawks17, i joint the group with Version 1.4.0 (RT2) almost exactly one year ago. I don't know about these pointing dishes, sorry.

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hey there,

can someone confirm this bug is caused by RT?


i have the same problem described in the first comment about not beeing able to adjust attitude manually:

If've tried to correct the attitude manually and noticed that it's impossible to pitch up or down at ths point

cant figure out how this happens

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Hi All,

I haven't found a remotetech config for the NovaPunch Thor lander RCS antenna so I made one.

//Support for Novapunch Thor RCS Antenna

%TechRequired = landing
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 5000000
%MaxQ = 3000
%EnergyCost = 0.6

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

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Result: no Connection

You're doing the same steps as i did, but there is no strange behaviour.. Hmm.. I don't know. maybe it was a lucky combination of planet positions, so that LKO sat on the polar orbit, targeted to the Mun, saw minmus at the same time when i did my manipulations with Bill and antenna. Or you can try Bill instead of Jeb, may be it will make difference

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Hi All,

I haven't found a remotetech config for the NovaPunch Thor lander RCS antenna so I made one.

//Support for Novapunch Thor RCS Antenna

%TechRequired = landing
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 5000000
%MaxQ = 3000
%EnergyCost = 0.6

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

Here is the updated code.

//Support for Novapunch Thor RCS Antenna

[COLOR=#008000]!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}[/COLOR]
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
[COLOR=#008000]%Mode1OmniRange = 2500000[/COLOR]
%MaxQ = 3000
[COLOR=#008000]%EnergyCost = 0.13[/COLOR]

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

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You're doing the same steps as i did, but there is no strange behaviour.. Hmm.. I don't know. maybe it was a lucky combination of planet positions, so that LKO sat on the polar orbit, targeted to the Mun, saw minmus at the same time when i did my manipulations with Bill and antenna. Or you can try Bill instead of Jeb, may be it will make difference


i start having more and more trouble as well.

minor issue: using action groups extended the triggered action groups dont display in the command queue, but still take the normal signal delay to be triggered. but they ignore the execution delay that i entered.

When i use the "action group extended" - build in function to queue those groups for RT, it works fine, but i have to enter the number of the group instead of pushing just the key.

major issue:

Haha.. never mind - found the issue.

was underestimating the "active Vessel"- setting i relied on

Edited by Speadge
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Hello, i was wondering if there's any possible way to build a ground station that connects to KSC so it can relay signals to satellites and such. (IRL we have many ground-based tracking stations)

Yes there is. See here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-90-Kerbin-Side-v0-41-Go-For-Multi-Launch!?p=1628784#post1628784.

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Actually Asteroid Day mod isn't compatibile with Remote Tech stuff. It's a nice addition!

Peppie23, will you add a support to this?

ahm, yea sorry. I didn't noticed this new mod. I'm currently under heavy development for my own first mod but i'll take a look at it, so yes :wink:

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Adapted a quick patch for Asteroid Day. Didn't test it yet:

%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
%TechRequired = unmannedTech
%OmniRange = 3000

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0DishRange = 0
%Mode1DishRange = 40000000000
%EnergyCost = 0.93
%MaxQ = 6000
%DishAngle = 0.06

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.15
%PacketSize = 3
%PacketResourceCost = 20.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

Feel free to try and give feedback.

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Ok, I might have an issue but before I submit a full bug report I am wondering if anyone has heard of an issue where the integrated omni's on probe cores do not function? If yes great, if no then I guess I will have to submit a report. It just seems like an issue that big would have lots of reports but I don't see one in the tracker and I am worried something is wrong with my particular install.

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Ok, I might have an issue but before I submit a full bug report I am wondering if anyone has heard of an issue where the integrated omni's on probe cores do not function? If yes great, if no then I guess I will have to submit a report. It just seems like an issue that big would have lots of reports but I don't see one in the tracker and I am worried something is wrong with my particular install.

Why do you think there not working ? More info what mod probe core ?

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Why do you think there not working ? More info what mod probe core ?

Well they show as 3 KM integrated always on. They used to work. Last time I knew they worked was KSP 0.90. Now none of them work. Not any from mods or the stock probes. RT is working in genera as I can attach an antenna and it will work. When I upgraded my RT (from 1.6.5 to 1.6.7) I deleted the existing folder and pasted the whole new one in. I deleted the part database cfg to make sure it wasn't stuck on something old. The only warning in the debug log is :"[Warning]: [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!" Which I don't think is RT related.

But in the end none of it made any difference. See the screenshot for an OKTO probe core with power sitting on the launch pad with no connection.


Am I mistaken that its 3 KM Omni range should give it a working connection to KSC?

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