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- Procedural Fairings - Delta II 7925-H

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Hello everyone! First time posting here, haven't done so on a forum in about forever, but I have been reading around here for a while.

Introductions over with, let's get to the fun!


So I've always thought that the Delta II was a pretty cool rocket. And I haven't seen one around here. Which brings me... here.

Pictured is the complete Delta II 7925-H, but it comes in subassemblies too, so there's the option to launch a 7920-H (without the third stage).

As it says, it's mostly stock, except for Procedural Fairings. This wouldn't be possible without procedural fairings. Besides, if you're not using Proc. Fairings, then... you need to. :D The SRBs have Fairing nosecones because anything else wouldn't look as good. Sure it's a waste of part count but... it's not like I built a Delta II Heavy for part count. Past that comes the 60-70 part Delta-K stage, then the 55 part PAM-D stage. So in total, it's somewhere in the mid-200s for the Delta II. Not too bad, but you better hope that your probe isn't too part intensive if you've got a slow computer.

As for its performance... it overperforms. :P At least the first stages do. The current setup can probably get 10-15 tons (compared to the actual 6 tons, I think?) to a 75km orbit without having to stage to the second stage. The large boosters are great for aesthetics, but they've got way too much punch. First set is limited to 72% thrust and second set is reduced fuel. With a bit of tweaking, actual Delta II performance can probably be emulated.

But I'm lazy. :D

I haven't tried the medium-sized SRBs, but they probably look incredibly short compared to the rest of the rocket. Maybe if that extra X200-16 is taken out, it'll make an all-around more accurate rocket.

The Delta-K and PAM-D I think I got close to actual performance, in terms of burn time, at least. They also look nice!

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Now, uh, bear with me as I figure out the whole Dropbox thing.

EDIT: Okay, download link. Everything goes to Subassemblies.

Edited by Box of Stardust
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