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[RSS] To The Moon And Back - RSS Manned Lunar Program Challenge

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I like the lack of a strict scoring system for this challenge btw - gives a nice inspiration for mission ideas without the feeling of 'jumping through hoops'. Expect more updates to my submission!

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This was my first lunar landing in RSS/RO, so I did a low-budget version. No achievements, but I managed to biome-hop around the entire Moon on a single tank of fuel (8 separate landings!), effectively completing my lunar program in a single mission.

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Modlist: Full Realism Overhaul package, Remote Tech 2, RSS, EVE, FASA, Stretchy Tanks, Procedural Fairings, Realisitic Progression Lite, and many more.

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This was my first lunar landing in RSS/RO, so I did a low-budget version. No achievements, but I managed to biome-hop around the entire Moon on a single tank of fuel (8 separate landings!), effectively completing my lunar program in a single mission.


Modlist: Full Realism Overhaul package, Remote Tech 2, RSS, EVE, FASA, Stretchy Tanks, Procedural Fairings, Realisitic Progression Lite, and many more.

Wow. Just Wow. You're an awesome Lunar pilot! And i also added a new achievement/mini-challenge, Grasshopper, which you get!

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Thanks! To be perfectly fair, I suspect there may be something wrong with the RO config for FASA (the mod where most of my lander comes from). That gemini lander should have more delta-v than the Lunar Module that was actually used in Apollo landings, seeing how bare-bones it is, but I don't think it should have THAT much more delta-v. Although now that I've checked, the weight does seem to be similar to the original design (google says it was to weigh 5000 pounds, mine is just over 3 tonnes), so perhaps it is working as intended. Hard to say.

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As promised, an update! I'm shooting for repetition of hardware as much as possible, and this adds to the portfolio.

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Incidentally, I'm rubbish at names. Anyone got any good ideas what I should call my launcher family? I'm going with Goliath atm, so I have Goliath I and Goliath V so far. Goliath I isn't all that Goliath by nature though, so perhaps another name would be appropriate...

There's more from Goliath V in the design phase btw!

Modlist: * Real Solar System * Real Engines * Real Fuels * Procedural Parts * Procedural Fairings * Procedural Dynamics * Ferram Aerospace Research * Deadly Re-Entry * MechJeb * NovaPunch * AIES Aerospace * KW Rocketry * Space Shuttle Engines * Lazor Docking Cam * SafeChute * Kerbal Alarm Clock * KSPX * B9 Aerospace * Kerbal Attachment System * Final Frontier * Active Texture Management * FusTek * Connected Living Spaces * Ship Manifest * Infernal Robotics*

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I did, although I used TAC LS instead of eclss. And I unwittingly took advantage of an apparent mistake in RO configs for FASA, as in hindsight there is no way that gemini lander could realistically have that much delta-v.

edit: Nevertheless, I believe it can serve as an example. Just disregard everything between the third landing (I should realistically have enough delta-v for that) and the rendezvous with CSM.

Edited by Hattivat
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Welcome back. I decided to make some other 'scientific' missions to the Moon. First of them - 3 man Apollo landing:


Also I keep testing vehicles for my Saturn mission. A small spoiler:


To be continued :)

Nice! I like the way you did the landing, and I already know that your Saturnian moons mission is going to be awesome.

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Excelent! I like that you did a space station! NOTE: Since i'm in vacation in Australia and the internet i have here is like a tenth as good as the one in my house, it's hard for me to review the submissions, and now i can't edit the first post anymore. so sorry that it's now broken.

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1. For some reason now I can edit the first post, which I did and now it's not a wall of unorganized text. Yay!

2. Fantastic job! I love the way your Moon base is going, and the I think the skycrane you made looks great!

3. von ziegendorf, how is your manned Titan mission going?

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It won't be only Titan landing, I want to visit all RSS moons in Saturn system. But currently the mission is't going anywhere. Spacecrafts are too big to be monostable and flip around during aerobraking. I'll have to use propulsive capture and that means redesigning whole flightplan. Be patient :P

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Hate to bump, but why has there been no more submissions? You all playing 0.24 or something?

As far as I know, RSS isn't updated for 0.24 yet. Personally, I'm messing about with other things until it is. Don't worry, we'll be back! :D

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It would seem that we are go for launch with the 0.24 mod updates. Seriously, check out the new textures, I could spend hours just gawking!

It looks like the Real Engines pack (which I use) has now been incorporated into the full Realism Overhaul (which I have not used, as yet). Either way, there will have to be a period of re-engineering before my space program is back in the challenge. Watch this space.

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Wow... Just Wow. You did an awesome job for your Moon base! Also, I'll be back in Indiana in 2 days (Tomorrow I'll get to the airport, then time there, then 16 hour long flight to LAX, time at LAX, flight to Indiana, time at Indiana airport, and then home. That whole thing takes about a day :P), so I'll be able to more easily review the submissions then, and I'll be able to finish my submission!

Edited by Nicholander
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