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anyone know how to get Spaceplane plus and real fuels to work together?


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I can't seem to load the fuel tanks from spaceplane plus with anything other than liquid fuel and oxidizer even though my engines don't use those fuels.

Real Fuels does not currently ship with a configuration file to convert Porkjet's Spaceplane plus pack. I have created one, which just needs to be saved within the [ksp path]/GameData subdirectory tree ( eg as .../GameData/SpaceplanePlus/SP+RF.cfg to make the changes after restarting the game. I'll post this to the Real Fuels thread also, as it may help others and NathanKell may care to review it and possibly include it in a future release.

// RealFuels config for Porkjet's Spaceplane Plus 1.1 parts

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
//!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 2500
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
//!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1500
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 3000
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
//!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 3000
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1500
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
//!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1500
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
//!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1500
type = Default

//!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 180
type = RCSHighEfficiency

//!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 20
type = RCSHighEfficiency

//!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 30
type = RCSHighEfficiency

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