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An SSTO of Small Dimensions (Perhaps the smallest)

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Upon seeing much recent discussion on the subject of minute SSTO-type craft, I thought I could best those already presented in the areas of small proportions and general functionality. Although extremely complex for such a small size (135 parts), and having a density approaching that of solid lead, this SSTO is capable of fulfilling all roles in unmanned space travel. I hereby present *trumpet fanfare*:

The Singularity-Class SSTO




Control: 1 OKTO core.

Maneuvering: 120 units of monopropellant with 3 RCS ports and 1 SAS module.

Power: 4 RTGs and 6 Gigantor solar panels, as well as 1610 units of electric charge.

Intakes: 3 Circular Intakes and 8 Ram Air Intakes, all foward-facing.

Fuel: 107 units of liquid fuel and 12800 units of xenon gas.

Engines: 1 Turbojet and 8 Ion Engines.

Mass: 10.13 metric tons on launchpad.

Part count: 135.

Ion delta-v: ~5.9 km/s.

Action Groups:

1: Toggle Turbojet.

2: Toggle Ion Engines.

3: Toggle solar panels.

4: Deploy parachute.


Despite its small size, this SSTO possesses enough delta-v to get to Jool, has a forward docking port and monopropellant, and has enough a sufficiently high TWR on ion power to allow surface landings on bodies with up to 16 percent of Kerbin surface gravity, allowing it to satisfy almost any mission requirements; one thus has a fully functional spacecraft contained within a small package.

Ascent profile: To achieve orbit, TimeWarp until dawn (this is the best time for launch), activate the Turbojet, and proceed straight up to 10 kilometers in altitude, then begin a very slight gravity turn at about a 75-degree inclination from the horizontal; until this point, the craft will be moving very slowly (>100 m/s). Continue to gain speed while ascending, gradually decreasing the angle of attack to about 20 degrees above the horizon by the time you reach 20 kilometers. Continue to gain speed while maintaining vertical velocity (should be ~300 m/s); by 30 kilometers in altitude, your craft's speed should be ~1600 m/s. After this point, slowly throttle down while continuing to build speed, and gradually increase the angle of attack to push the apoapsis higher. Upon reaching 40 kilometers in altitude, your speed should be (in orbital velocity on the navball) ~2 km/s; deploy the solar panels and activate the Ion Engines while keeping the Turbojet on, the throttle at about 40 percent, and the angle of attack at about 60 degrees. After the Turbojet flames out at approximately 45-50 kilometers, deactivate it and throttle the Ion Engines up to full, maintaining angle of attack; when the apoapsis is above 70 kilometers, burn straight prograde until orbit is achieved.

Minmus Excursion in Images:

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Words of Warning: Whatever you do, do not use 4x physics warp while in the atmosphere; it summons the Kraken and/or causes the toroidal fuel tanks to fall out of the craft for no apparent reason. Also, the single parachute is not enough to slow descent to survivable speeds; use the remaining fuel on the Turbojet for safe touchdown at about five meters per second. Also, as I learned (this is why there is no landing frame on the album :P), avoid inclines: If the craft falls over, it tends to explode. Violently.

Also, mess with fuel flow at your own peril. I spent multiple hours trying to fix problems posed by such, and had to disassemble the craft entirely and put it back together three times before I finally fixed the problem. [The third time I had problems, I gave up and clipped a strut randomly into the body of the craft, then put the Turbojet back on. For some reason, that fixed it completely...But still: Beware.]

Above all (or rather below, looking at this post), enjoy!

Craft file:


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