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Orbit velocity adjustments

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I noticed that when I maneuver retrograde that after my orbit velocity reaches to almost zero, it slowly begins to increase. If I leave it alone, it will go well past 31 m/s or higher. Is this a game design or a game programming bug that needs fixed?

Thank you!

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Look at it this way: Just because you decreased your lateral velocity over the surface to zero, it doesn't mean you stop being in an orbit. From the mathematical standpoint, you're still in orbit around a single point (the center of the body.) And thus, you will get faster when approaching that point, and get slower when getting away from it. Your previous action of "stopping" does not change that.

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The slowest point of your orbit is at apoapsis, the fastest point of your orbit is at periapsis.

If you decelerate all the way to near complete standstill, your apoapsis is where you currently are, and your periapsis will be somewhere close to the center of mass of the body your're orbiting, well inside of the body itself. The game never shows you a periapsis that's underground (you can never reach it, because well, lithobraking), but technically it's still there.

EDIT: also ninja'd!

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Maybe trying to get a Kerbin-stationary orbit?

If you are trying to get a synchronous orbit, so that your ship/probe stays over the same point on the surface you need to take into account that the world is turning (every 6 hours) and, therefore, you need to orbit at sufficient altitude (2 868.75 km) and speed to go 'around' in the same time.

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Actually, I'm having a fun time trying to figure all this stuff out. I have a Kerbal stranded on the moon as I write this. The sun is passing and nightfall will soon occur, thus my kerbal will have a very cold night in the darkness inside his new crater home. I was trying to get a rescue mission underway to get him back home with his kerbal family. I made a successful landing on the Mun, however I totally forgot that my capsule had only one seat. Thanks for the replies, they helped me think in a different manner.

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