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Speedycars: The universal rover (Version 1.0)

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Presenting... The SpeedyCar.


Spacious Cabin!


Powerful Suspension!


Certified Awesome by Test Driver Jeb!


SpeedyCars? What are those?

They are experimental rovers created by moi. Each is symmetrical and modifiable.

The default version 1.0 Comes with four emergency 'chutes, 16 Solar panels, rugged wheels, and a low wheelbase

It's just a CAR!

No ordinary car. These have been tested heavily, being driven off-road through Kerbin's sand dune mountains to the pyramid complex.

(They've been driven to KSC2 as well, but that wasn't as hard on the vehicle.)



You can download from the link below:


Just drop the .craft in ships/SPH and have fun!

Issues needed to be fixed:

You need to stop sometimes and quicksave, because sometimes the NCS adapters break.


ExplodingRocketShips :cool:

Edited by ExplodingRocketShips
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