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Using CLS/CrewXfer, but "Parts aren't connected"

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I'm working on a lander design and it's pretty simple--the core is a Command Pod Mk1 connected to a Mk1 Lander Can with Clamp-O-Trons.

I've got the latest ConnectedLivingSpaces ( and I'm using CrewXfer.

CrewXfer tells me the Command Pod and Lander Can aren't connected.

Does the Command Pod Mk1 not work with CLS? I was hoping I could transfer to the Lander Can for EVAs and not have to add ladders to get to the Command Pod.

Edited by LitaAlto
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My understanding is that the Mk1 Pod is an analogue to the real-life Mercury capsules, which were amongst the earliest manned spacecraft and did not have docking ports*.

*Docking with crew transfer was first proposed for the Gemini B / Manned Orbiting Laboratory project, and only actually implemented from Apollo onwards.

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Crew cannot pass through attachment nodes in the mk1 pod. Same thing with the 3.75m pod mod. The visual cue is the hatch texture (the circle with the + in the center), or lackthereof in parts that cannot be passed through.

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