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[v0.90/v.25]Transparent Pods v1.2.2 for KSP v0.90


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Could you please tell me what name should i use in "targetPartObject =" to rotate the engine and i can try to set up FSVTOLrotator myself.Ty

I tried with:

targetPartObject = engineMount  // the engine mount rotates,engine stay still
targetPartObject = engineRotation // nothing happens
targetPartObject = engine // nothing happens

Edited by sebi.zzr
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Could you please tell me what name should i use in "targetPartObject =" to rotate the engine and i can try to set up FSVTOLrotator myself.Ty

I tried with:

targetPartObject = engineMount  // the engine mount rotates,engine stay still
targetPartObject = engineRotation // nothing happens
targetPartObject = engine // nothing happens

it'd be either




engineRotation is just an animation clip

I got rid of the NREs... VTOLrotator requires propellerAtmosphericNerf module.

Try adding this to the part config; the deployAngles will take some trial and error.

name = FSVTOLrotator
deployedAngle = 0
maxDownAngle = 0
stepAngle = 22.5
targetPartObject = engine
availableAngles1 = 0, 45, 90
availableAngles2 = 0, 0, 0
startInverted = True
steerDirection = -1

name = FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf
disableAtmosphericNerf = true

name = FScopterThrottle

Edited by nli2work
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MM reports a error in the DRC patch i cant tell what it is off the bat thou

yeah, I can't find anything specific in the logs. All I find is "1 error in RF_DRCPatch" if you see something that's little more informative please let me know.

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yeah, I can't find anything specific in the logs. All I find is "1 error in RF_DRCPatch" if you see something that's little more informative please let me know.

The one time I got that on a config I wrote, it was an absent closing bracket ] around a part's name... dunno if that helps.

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Are there any tutorials out there on how the heck to use the alleged "hover" capability of the firespitter engines? they don't seem to want to actually hover.

Ya got me there. I have no idea how it works. I find mechjeb's hover function more intuitive to use. for transition I use the basic versions that slowly rotate.

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Ya got me there. I have no idea how it works. I find mechjeb's hover function more intuitive to use. for transition I use the basic versions that slowly rotate.

I have been trying to get the mj version to work, but i keep crashing... can you briefly outline how to get it to work for the hover???


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Could you buff the inline PETA part? Right now, when loaded with fuel, it can hardly lift anything but itself. IMO, it should be possible to build a decent-sized VTOL (like the Bumblebee, for example) without using any additional cells.

Also, could you add a 0.625m med-speed jet engine? I noticed a whole lot of 0.625m mounts that are left to just cap off with a nosecone, because there's nothing better to put on them. A 0.625m intake would also be nice.

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Could you buff the inline PETA part? Right now, when loaded with fuel, it can hardly lift anything but itself. IMO, it should be possible to build a decent-sized VTOL (like the Bumblebee, for example) without using any additional cells.

Also, could you add a 0.625m med-speed jet engine? I noticed a whole lot of 0.625m mounts that are left to just cap off with a nosecone, because there's nothing better to put on them. A 0.625m intake would also be nice.

What you are looking for is called tweakscale, here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234

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No, it isn't. Tweakscale is worthless in this case. RF engines are not scaleable (no reason for them to be), and no amount of scaling can help the thrust issue. Scaling works for landing gear and other such small stuff.

Also, another thing I noticed is that pulse engines have engine response time enabled. They shouldn't, a pulsejet will burn as much fuel as you put into it, so the throttle response should be instant (indeed, that's the point of using them in first place).

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No, it isn't. Tweakscale is worthless in this case. RF engines are not scaleable (no reason for them to be), and no amount of scaling can help the thrust issue. Scaling works for landing gear and other such small stuff.

Also, another thing I noticed is that pulse engines have engine response time enabled. They shouldn't, a pulsejet will burn as much fuel as you put into it, so the throttle response should be instant (indeed, that's the point of using them in first place).

You could always write your own MM patch to alter those engines' properties if you wanted.

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That would still be a boring rescale. Besides, RF has no stack-mounted mid-speed jet engine, of either size. It's either an afterburning fighter engine (very long, to boot) or a rotating VTOL engine. Neither would really work in this application.

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Yeah, They'd be more useful with little more thrust. I deliberately erred on the low thrust side for fear of them being "OP!"

considering the limited angles you can install the inline PETA's(i.e. not in a way that provides forward thrust) they could probably get away with having higher TWR than the more convenient to place radial pods.

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Hello again, i have two minor problems.

1st:The camera on "Mini Camera Boom" don't work,also i get COM shift bug when i use it on rocket(starts at 12Km).The only solution for COM shift is to delete "module JSIExternalCameraSelector".

2nd:About "Remote Camera Probe Core",the description says "Probe Core with integrated cameras and transmitors, enabling operator to fly the probe as if actually piloting the vessel.".

When i use it with cockpit the camera works.

When i use it alone(camera probe and other parts SAS,battery...)camera doesn't work.

When i use it with other probe core camera wont work.(i pressed every button on my keyboard and nothing).

EDIT:i forgot to mention i'm using v1.7.1f of this mod.

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Hello again, i have two minor problems.

1st:The camera on "Mini Camera Boom" don't work,also i get COM shift bug when i use it on rocket(starts at 12Km).The only solution for COM shift is to delete "module JSIExternalCameraSelector".

2nd:About "Remote Camera Probe Core",the description says "Probe Core with integrated cameras and transmitors, enabling operator to fly the probe as if actually piloting the vessel.".

When i use it with cockpit the camera works.

When i use it alone(camera probe and other parts SAS,battery...)camera doesn't work.

When i use it with other probe core camera wont work.(i pressed every button on my keyboard and nothing).

EDIT:i forgot to mention i'm using v1.7.1f of this mod.

Ah yes. sorry. incorrect transform name for cameraContainer =

This is the proper module for the mini camera boom.

name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
cameraContainer = rfCameraPod
rotateCamera = 0,0,0
cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam

and RE the 0.625m probe core, yea I will change the description. You can assign the UnIVA internal to it and fly it with IVA, but the kerbal is still in the vessel and will die if the craft crashes. I can set it up to work properly with ProbeControlRoom Mod for next update. The ProbeControlRoom mod isn't updated for 0.25 far as I can tell, it seems to work but it may have problems I haven't encountered yet. Without ProbecontrolRoom mod it's just a standard probe module.

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Thank you very much.Also small request for next update,could you add MM.cfg for transparent pods,for test purposes or under the "use at your own risk" label :wink: . I tried to add

name = JSITransparentPod
transparentTransforms = // probably missing this part

to cockpits with no success.


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Thank you very much.Also small request for next update,could you add MM.cfg for transparent pods,for test purposes or under the "use at your own risk" label :wink: . I tried to add
name = JSITransparentPod
transparentTransforms = // probably missing this part

to cockpits with no success.


sure thing. I'll add them to ones that are compatible.

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Retro-Future v1.72

  • Configs for Probe Control Room support
  • 0.625 SAS/RCS unit; no Monopropellant
  • 2.1m Command Module optimized for landing
  • 2.1m Rect to 2.5m Cylinder adapter
  • 3m & 1.5m drop cargo bay section
  • optional config for TransparentPod where possible (change extension from TXT to CFG to apply)
  • Tweaked VTOL example craft files
  • Tweaks to VTOL engines maxThrust and ISP under FAR
  • few fuel tank capacity adjustments to match volume
  • Reduced mass for landing gears

last update for 2014 most likely. more in 2015

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