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Inexplicable Crash

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I'm annoyed. So for a while I've had this mission going. A flight to the outer Pluto stile planet. It's a pair of probes. A micro lander with instruments and a mother ship with science labs and goo. It's Ion powered so Like I said it's been going for a while. I mess with it from time to time when I'm doing some thing else or watching Netflix. So I made it all the way back and the parachutes separated at the very end. My bad, I lost track of my fast forwarding. Fine, so I go back to my old save point, all the way back at the planet. So I just did the whole return again. and the thing was coming down beautifully at 4.5 m/sec. Landing in the water. And just when it touched sea level... BOOM. Instant explosion. It's like the whole thing blew.

Question. There was a weird glitch like the surface wasn't there. I could see bellow the horizon. The sun was actually slightly bellow the horizon and I could see it below the surface and I think there was a star. Is this some weird bug/glitch. I did recently install Deadly Re-entery but I've flown other things since then. Is this just a crack in the world or have you every heard of this in relation to Re-entery?


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I've had this happen two or three times while playing BTSM, which does "include" Deadly Reentry (it's a prerequisite). I have not observed it in plain stock KSP.

Whenever I notice this happening (being able to see through the ground), I immediately quicksave if my chutes haven't fully deployed yet. I then let it land and see if it works out okay for me (sometimes it does). If not, I quickload. So far, the problem has never occurred after quickload.

Do note though that if your chutes have already deployed fully, it's too late to quicksave and -load (doing so will make you plummet to your death without chutes). This is a known issue. However, if the chutes are only partially deployed, you can still save. They will appear invisible/tiny after loading, but they will properly transition into their fully opened state at the correct altitude and land you safely.

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This is a bug that sometimes comes up, even without DRE. It's because the game is running out of memory, exiting and re-starting the program solves it so, hopefully, you shouldn't get this again next time you run it.

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I'm annoyed. So for a while I've had this mission going. A flight to the outer Pluto stile planet. It's a pair of probes. A micro lander with instruments and a mother ship with science labs and goo. It's Ion powered so Like I said it's been going for a while. I mess with it from time to time when I'm doing some thing else or watching Netflix. So I made it all the way back and the parachutes separated at the very end. My bad, I lost track of my fast forwarding. Fine, so I go back to my old save point, all the way back at the planet. So I just did the whole return again. and the thing was coming down beautifully at 4.5 m/sec. Landing in the water. And just when it touched sea level... BOOM. Instant explosion. It's like the whole thing blew.

Question. There was a weird glitch like the surface wasn't there. I could see bellow the horizon. The sun was actually slightly bellow the horizon and I could see it below the surface and I think there was a star. Is this some weird bug/glitch. I did recently install Deadly Re-entery but I've flown other things since then. Is this just a crack in the world or have you every heard of this in relation to Re-entery?


When this happens I've noticed that the textures for the geometry you are landing on did not load (so I'll get a blue dot and some shineyness, but no textures are loaded for the land).. If you notice the textures are not loaded for what you are landing on.. quick-save at that moment and restart.. things will work fine after the restart. And to date I've seen this 3 times. And note that I've only got one MOD loaded.. the docking UI mod. And I had seen this bug two times before installing that mod.. so its not related to the mod (although I could see the mod aggravating it if its a memory issue).

And an FYI to StreetWind: It happened to me in pure stock twice.. =(

Edited by weezl
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For the texture bug you guys are talking about, it's some problem with Unity not loading all the resources, and it also happens from time to time in vKSP. It happens when you come back to Kerbin from a distance away and the higher resolution textures don't get loaded. It might be worse with mods, but it might not. I don't think that has been sorted out at all.

I'm not sure if that's the problem you ran into, but it's a possibility. As Streetwind said, the fix is to quicksave and quickload. You can do this high in the atmosphere or just outside of it (as a preventative), as well as down low when you see a problem. I'd say it you could quicksave/load below 160km (because that's where textures are supposed to load), but that hasn't been confirmed.

Also, as Streetwind said, you need to be aware of your parachute state. However, if you must quickload/quicksave when it's already fully deployed, you can find a savefile fix that will allow you to quickload to a restored chute in this thread:


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A picture of the bug.


Land in the water and you will be OK. Land on the missing land and this will happen;


On a theory that the bug could be related to a scenario since I keep getting that error on this one Sandbox game, I switch to a different one without exiting the game and brought a ship back from Mun. The terrain generated normally.

Edited by SRV Ron
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I've found switching from outside view to map view or IVA can resolve the black hole crashes. I have also had the unexplained explosion on landing as well. Came back from the Mun, all going well gently parachuting down just west of KSC, terrain looks good with no black hole and boom when I gently touched down. Had to refly the whole mission cause I hadn't save the game.

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Just for the record, I do appreciate the responses. At the very least it's nice to know that I'm not insane or doing any thing particularly wrong. And it did land successfully on the next try. I was worried that I'd some how broken the game with the mod installation of deadly re-entry or some thing like that.


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Just for the record, I do appreciate the responses. At the very least it's nice to know that I'm not insane or doing any thing particularly wrong. And it did land successfully on the next try. I was worried that I'd some how broken the game with the mod installation of deadly re-entry or some thing like that.


Your definitely not insane, I see a lot.

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