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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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Hm, when I tried launching the hovercraft ship that I created which has six repulsorlifts on it plus two of those hovercraft fans placed sideways, it started rotating clockwise for no reason. I also have KJR, which may have something to do with that, I'll check that.

Also, crash that may or may not be related to this mod which I had when trying to go back to SPH to fix things. http://sta.sh/014yn5g0vsjw

Edit: Yep, it was KJR, and with it off, I can see what might have been producing that phantom torque in the first place. Though it's possible that KJR might not be directly responsible.

Edit2: Is it me or does the launchpad have a VERY slight slope towards the VAB? And the runway is slightly curved I think. Anyhow, I was able to test it on the grassy area of KSC and no phanton torque.

Edit3: Idea: Have the hover fan have a reverse mode, so as to act as a brake. Or if you want to descend REALLY fast.

Edited by smjjames
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Hey lo-fi.

That sadly did not help. I removed all Foundries files, double checked and cloned back from Github. Still mirrored textures on Meccanumwheel and TTTrack, and Tinywheel is sinking into the ground. Mabe a conflicting mod? As mentioned im running close to 60 mods. What I dont get is why the small tracks, rbi tiny tracks or the medium wheels work without a flaw.


What do you mean by mirrored textures? The stuff that isn't working is highly experimental - I was messing about with some ideas basically. A few pages back there is an explanation in a conversation with Zodius about why the mecanums only work when driven by IR joints, I believe.

Hm, when I tried launching the hovercraft ship that I created which has six repulsorlifts on it plus two of those hovercraft fans placed sideways, it started rotating clockwise for no reason. I also have KJR, which may have something to do with that, I'll check that.

Also, crash that may or may not be related to this mod which I had when trying to go back to SPH to fix things. http://sta.sh/014yn5g0vsjw

Edit: Yep, it was KJR, and with it off, I can see what might have been producing that phantom torque in the first place. Though it's possible that KJR might not be directly responsible.

Edit2: Is it me or does the launchpad have a VERY slight slope towards the VAB? And the runway is slightly curved I think. Anyhow, I was able to test it on the grassy area of KSC and no phanton torque.

Edit3: Idea: Have the hover fan have a reverse mode, so as to act as a brake. Or if you want to descend REALLY fast.

Still an out of memory error. Right at the bottom of the log:

d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=8693 w=2560 h=1600 mips=1 d3dfmt=22 [out of memory]
d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=8721 w=2560 h=1600 mips=1 d3dfmt=21 [out of memory]

Actually, I think it might be planetary rotation, but stuff will roll down the runway.

I'm afraid the Unity stuff that drives the repulsors just doesn't work like that. Like I said in the OP, steering and propulsion are entirely up to you ;)

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You've got the tiny wheels upside down ;) I've added the editor orientation marker in the latest commit. The turning you're seeing will be SAS reaction wheels doing their thing.

I realised I changed a module name which the TT and mecanum use, so I've just updated that too. What you're seeing (that you normally wouldn't) is that there are two parts inside that single track part. The module does some really clever stuff - update from Git and you'll see.

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Looks like you've got way too many tracks and wheels overlapping each other. Wheels sinking and turning but not moving the vessel is due to them being upside down. A good portion of the wheels that don't have obvious orientations will look like they're upside down when you attach them to your craft because the suspension defaults to the fully retracted position. For instance, the tiny double-wheels that attach in the center between them are supposed to look like their attachment bars are angled upwards, and the other smaller (but not too small) wheels will look like their attachment plate is all the way on the bottom of the wheel itself. You would think they should be attached the other way around but in fact they should be attached in the exact opposite orientation.

What this all boils down to is this: if the wheel is misbehaving, go back to the editor and try attaching them in a different orientation. I'll bet that you'll figure out how they're meant to be attached very quickly that way. For symmetry to really work the way you would expect for a rover or other horizontal craft, you'll either need to use the SPH or (I'm unsure if this is possible right now) use an SPH-style symmetry mode. In the VAB it will simply use a radial symmetry mode which will have rather unintuitive controls for symmetrical wheel placement.

Or just refer to lo-fi's post that he made just before I submitted mine. Honestly, I thought you were taking a break. eesh!

UPDATE: Just looked at the github and you made a little booboo in "TTTrack/part.cfg." It's "KFModuleMirror" not "KFoduleMirror" y'know.

Edited by Gaalidas
Just had to bug lo-fi about his spelling issues.
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Just from actively meddling with stuff too much ;)

Sorry for the ninja, just checking in while waiting for a backup job to start :)

The orientation markers should make thing much easier, it won't take long to add them to all the parts. Ought to put an end to those support posts for that, at least!

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What about the idea for the reverse mode on the hover fan?

I'm pretty sure you guessed what I was doing for propulsion on the hovercraft, heh. Despite using elevons on the fans, it was still kind of hard to control (mainly because fans were at the middle of a longish craft), so I put a tail (and fin) on it, and then some SAS to assist with the turning.

BTW, regarding those backwards wheels and stuff, I actually put the hover fans on backwards initially because I thought the little aerodynamic cone bit was supposed to face forwards. Maybe put a little arrow on that? Just giving some feedback on that one.

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Not to worry, we'll have little arrows on all of them shortly... heck, maybe we should split this off to a "put a this-way-up arrow on any part you want" mod. Maybe I'll see if I can hack something together for MM, sorta like those old "translate all your animageGeneric modules into FSanimateGeneric" from back before we had editor-enabled animations.

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Sighs deeply and then looks aroun in the op file link for the cool kids parts. " um when can i get my paws on some of this new longer tracks wheels and other goodies that have been talked about for the last 30 pages? Since you heading away i'd at lest like to fiddle around and play with the new part even thought i know some may be broken still. Like you overlarge texture for the rover..... ugh. Anywho I look forward to this "release" that will inculde the new track and dutded fan (hovercraft) fan i've been hearing about. Or maybe slip a link addy into my message box it really doesn't matter.

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All the current tracks are configured to work correctly with TweakScale and thus can be made larger within reasonable limits. If you're looking for longer tracks, that's another bag of beans entirely... and not in the good way either.

On the note of ducted fans, if you're really in need if a ducted fan that works like the repulsor, you could probably get away with grabbing a ducted fan model from other mods that have them and replacing the engine configs for repulsor configs. No promises there, but it's likely possible. Heck, you could probably get the blades to spin like they do for the engine configs by using something like the FS propeller spinner module to set up an idle spin for them. UPDATE: This probably won't be so easy now that I think about it.

Edited by Gaalidas
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Ummm, it's all on KerbalStuff in 1.8, dude :confused: the "fans" snrjames is talking about are the repulsors - I never got around to creating the ducted fans that got talked about.

Oh My mistake, the fan I'm talking about is actually this one (and this is the hovercraft that I was talking about):


It's one of the new parts that Allista released in her Hangar mod recently. Somehow I thought it came from this one, sorry for the confusion.

I also saw some other hoverfan engines while looking around in sandbox, those might have been the ones that you meant.

EDIT: No wait, the ones that I saw are actually RoverDudes from the Freight Transport Technologies mod.

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EDIT: No wait, the ones that I saw are actually RoverDudes from the Freight Transport Technologies mod.

YES, I love those. Well, the style of them anyway. I suck at precision flying, so I can't really use them too effectively. However, with some configuration bashing, I bet we could make them into repulsor lookalikes while still maintaining the prop spinner. I also just downloaded a mod that I have no idea when was released, nor how nice the models are (haven't loaded KSP since installing them) that were meant fir VTOL craft training. Those things might be cool to convert as well, especially if the engine portion could be maintained so you could still take off afterwards. Unfortunately, due to the way that colliders are used with the repulsors, we couldn't simply bash the configs together. Likely we would need to weld a surface repulsor part into the original part, and then find a way of making the physical representation of the repulsor invisible. I think the modules for these things might actually exist within the KF program itself. I'm going to have to do some research now. Thanks a lot people, I was planning on getting some sleep someday in the near future. I sure hope you're all happy now.


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Crazy career mode people! I'm a traditionalist. Game play with no point, goal, or reason is the way to go. If there's something to gain from doing it, you're doing it wrong.

Unless you actually like feeling that sense of accomplishment. In that case, good for you. I've been beaten into submission by the screwed up public school system and no longer have any sense of accomplishment or any wish to become anything other than "positively indifferent" about my existence, pointless and satisfactory as it may be.

Don't take that one too seriously. I'm not suffering from depression... indeed, I am enjoying every minute of it.

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I'm a sandbox mode player too, I guess that comes through in the mod.

I had a few minutes to dabble with the hitch in orbit and under time acceleration. It's hilarious! A couple of seconds and the two vessels drift apart significantly, then snap back together violently at the return to normal time.

I'm not sure this is fixable.

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Crazy career mode people! I'm a traditionalist. Game play with no point, goal, or reason is the way to go. If there's something to gain from doing it, you're doing it wrong.

Unless you actually like feeling that sense of accomplishment. In that case, good for you. I've been beaten into submission by the screwed up public school system and no longer have any sense of accomplishment or any wish to become anything other than "positively indifferent" about my existence, pointless and satisfactory as it may be.

Don't take that one too seriously. I'm not suffering from depression... indeed, I am enjoying every minute of it.

I'm playing in science mode because I am checking out the science stuff.

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Hehe, it's happened a lot, they're not immediately obvious. Working on an orientation marker.

It's getting to be a daily occurrence of someone putting them upside down, and not attempting to flip them before posting here. It reminds me of a study between dogs and wolves. The wolf will attempt to get the meat out of the cage until either the cage is in shreds, or it is in shreds. The dog will try for a few seconds and then look up at the human for help.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm a sandbox mode player too, I guess that comes through in the mod.

I had a few minutes to dabble with the hitch in orbit and under time acceleration. It's hilarious! A couple of seconds and the two vessels drift apart significantly, then snap back together violently at the return to normal time.

I'm not sure this is fixable.

Now that is hilarious. Make us a video. I wonder how they manage to deal with these issues when you attach things to each other using KAS. I also remember a mod that attempted to introduce formation flying of separate crafts and implemented a lock for the separation between the two crafts even under time warp... though I am unsure if it was standard warp or physical warp.

If I were to try and figure out how it might be done, I would say that you might be able to detect the time warp mode, then detect the offset position/rotation of the hitched craft(s) in relation to the one in focus at the beginning of the time warp and continually reset those various crafts to those offsets in relation to the focus craft and it's own rate of change while the warp is being done, with a final reset when you break out to be extra sure they're all in the same relative spot.

With a high number of crafts hitched together, this would probably cause a bit of a freeze in the simulation for a second, but that may just have to be the price you pay for making a space train long enough to touch the ground from orbit.

How to go about this is beyond my ability at the time though. It's just my interpretation of whatever the other mods implemented to deal with the drift issue.

Edited by Gaalidas
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I'm a bit surprised, upside down wheels is just as much of a problem with some of the stock wheels and lots of other mod wheels. I have the same issue with the rollcage ones myself, and quickly figured out they were upside down. Hey-ho!

KAS does some clever fixing stuff, but I gather it has kraken issues. Like you say, having lots of things hitched together could be a disaster! I've got several ideas:

1) Try and keep everything in place during time warp.

2) Force docking when entering warp, undock on exit.

3) See if I can remove the flight integrator stuff from the trailers and parent it to the hitch.

I've no idea whether any of these are practical. For the hitch it's not the biggest deal, but I'd like to make the tie downs that attach rovers to a carrier or launcher without being docked. Maybe it's worth messing with the docking module and letting KSP do the work, then over-riding some stuff. In any case, I'm full of man flu and sort of idly tinkering/musing. Would be a great problem to crack, though

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