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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
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    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
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Indeed, it keeps things interesting. I throw these little things in to see if you're paying attention...

"Can you remove the markers" is a feature request. To which the answer in no. "The wheels don't work" is a bug, even though it might be user related when fitted upside down. I know which one I'd rather be getting!

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lo-fi thanks for creating an awesome mod. I've had lots of fun designing and driving rovers recently. Which is saying something as I've generally avoided rovers in my year+ of playing KSP as I really dislike the stock wheels. Now, I know you've taken a step back from developing this mod for various reasons which I completely understand but (and you knew this was coming) I have a hopefully small request. As has been commented in this thread before, Kerbal Foundries will throw the odd exception from time to time when you load a vehicle with KF wheels or tracks. You know...

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalFoundries.KFWheel+<TrackedWheel>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(String, Object)

Now tooling around Kerbin this doesn't cause any problems. So no harm no foul. But the exceptions bork Extraplanetary Launchpads when you try and build an awesome tracked maintenance vehicle to service your Mun base. You see when you use EPL to build a craft with Kerbal Foundries wheels or tracks the vessel spawns in the air usually above something that likes to go boom when a heavy vehicle drops on it. Now granted the results of this are quite fun to watch as bits and pieces of your base go flying everywhere and never the same place twice. That said I would really like to use the maintenance vehicle and flying it to the Mun is so passe. So with the full understanding that these things are expected in a beta and if it's not a huge bother, I and my kerbals in the parts that like to go boom would greatly appreciate it if Kerbal Foundries could catch the exception before it is thrown. Obviously, I'll understand and still love your mod if this is actually a heavy lift or your're otherwise unable to address this.

If you're wondering I've tried multiple rovers with both wheels and tracks and the same thing happens. I've also tried building the vehicles with only the wheels/tracks removed and they spawn on the ground in the expected location. Which is why I think the exceptions are what are causing the vehicle to spawn in the air. BTW, I'm using the dll from 1.8e.

Thanks for the mod and taking the time to read this rambling request.

Edited by Tarheel1999
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Indeed, it keeps things interesting. I throw these little things in to see if you're paying attention...

"Can you remove the markers" is a feature request. To which the answer in no. "The wheels don't work" is a bug, even though it might be user related when fitted upside down. I know which one I'd rather be getting!

Honestly, I find them both irritating. However, they're only irritating unless it's me who's reporting it. In those situations, it's completely valid. It's a bit like driving. When in the driver seat, everyone else on the road is automatically an idiot.

That said, I'm not referring to anyone else posting here as an idiot... I'm just making a feeble attempt at correlating the current topic to a real-world scenario. I'm not sure if I succeeded or not, but it doesn't really matter anyway.

I think the real feature request is for a toggle in addition to the in-flight auto-removal. I'd work on implementing something like that myself, but I'm unsure if the available source includes the current working version of that feature.

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You know what would would be handy dandy? If that editor toggle was F2, to coincide with Firespitter Wheel Alignment Guide toggle.

Honestly, hard-coded hotkey toggles annoy me to no end. I was thinking something more like a per-part context menu option, which is also available in the FS wheel guide. I'll grant you that an overall toggle would be awesome. A toolbar button or something.

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Why do some of track is ADDING length in VAB/SPH?

I'm afraid this is a KSP bug - the same thing that makes the editor icons tiny. It's to do with the bounds detection on the skinned mesh of the tracks, and I'm afraid not something I can fix.

lo-fi thanks for creating an awesome mod. I've had lots of fun designing and driving rovers recently. Which is saying something as I've generally avoided rovers in my year+ of playing KSP as I really dislike the stock wheels. Now, I know you've taken a step back from developing this mod for various reasons which I completely understand but (and you knew this was coming) I have a hopefully small request. As has been commented in this thread before, Kerbal Foundries will throw the odd exception from time to time when you load a vehicle with KF wheels or tracks. You know...

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalFoundries.KFWheel+<TrackedWheel>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(String, Object)

Now tooling around Kerbin this doesn't cause any problems. So no harm no foul. But the exceptions bork Extraplanetary Launchpads when you try and build an awesome tracked maintenance vehicle to service your Mun base. You see when you use EPL to build a craft with Kerbal Foundries wheels or tracks the vessel spawns in the air usually above something that likes to go boom when a heavy vehicle drops on it. Now granted the results of this are quite fun to watch as bits and pieces of your base go flying everywhere and never the same place twice. That said I would really like to use the maintenance vehicle and flying it to the Mun is so passe. So with the full understanding that these things are expected in a beta and if it's not a huge bother, I and my kerbals in the parts that like to go boom would greatly appreciate it if Kerbal Foundries could catch the exception before it is thrown. Obviously, I'll understand and still love your mod if this is actually a heavy lift or your're otherwise unable to address this.

If you're wondering I've tried multiple rovers with both wheels and tracks and the same thing happens. I've also tried building the vehicles with only the wheels/tracks removed and they spawn on the ground in the expected location. Which is why I think the exceptions are what are causing the vehicle to spawn in the air. BTW, I'm using the dll from 1.8e.

Thanks for the mod and taking the time to read this rambling request.

Wow, that's something I'd not seen. Could I get a full output_log please? I'll have to try and figure out what EPL actually does to make it throw an exception when starting the coroutines, though hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to fix once I do.

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I'm afraid this is a KSP bug - the same thing that makes the editor icons tiny. It's to do with the bounds detection on the skinned mesh of the tracks, and I'm afraid not something I can fix.

Wow, that's something I'd not seen. Could I get a full output_log please? I'll have to try and figure out what EPL actually does to make it throw an exception when starting the coroutines, though hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to fix once I do.

No problem. Will post one later today. That snippet is actually what happens every time I launch a vehicle to the runway with KF wheels or tracks.

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Wow, that's something I'd not seen. Could I get a full output_log please? I'll have to try and figure out what EPL actually does to make it throw an exception when starting the coroutines, though hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to fix once I do.

Here you go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcjpyowlvrgread/KF%20Exceptions.txt?dl=0

Your post made me a little paranoid so I did some additional testing. A girder and the small track is all that I need to produce the exception I excerpted in my earlier post. I tried several of the other tracks and wheels and was unable to produce the exception with just a girder and KF part. In the linked output log I did three different things. 1) I launched a girder and small track on the runway and reproduced the exception. 2) I loaded the service vehicle on the runway which has two small tracks attached and reproduced the error. 3) I loaded my Mun Base and built the service vehicle with EPL. It spawned in the air and dropped on my base.

I also did more testing building vessels with KF wheels/tracks with EPL. There is definitely an incompatibility between the two (or another installed mod I guess) but I'm no longer sure there is a link between the exceptions thrown by the small track and the weird spawning. As noted above the exceptions seem limited to the small track and I also had problems with vessels built with KF wheels. I was, however, able to build a vessel on Kerbin with KF parts using EPL without incident. My best guess is that when building vessels on the Mun something (KSP, EPL, etc) gets very confused about the ground location or vessel bounding box when using KF wheels/tracks. This might go to the core of how KF works (repulsors and all) and am not looking for a fix. As a control, I built a rover using stock wheels on the Mun and was successful.

TLDR Small tracks are consistently throwing exceptions on load however those exceptions are unlikely causing the EPL/KF weirdness I'm experiencing.

For completeness sake here's a log following a EPL build on the Mun of a vessel with KF wheels. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1q6vhzm9q7sfvl/KF%20No%20Exceptions%20EPL%20Explosion.txt?dl=0

Thanks again for creating a truly great mod.

Edited by Tarheel1999
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Long and small track RBI styled WIP:


Beautiful! Really looking forward to seeing those finished. I just about get by with my texturing, I know it's not the best.

Here you go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcjpyowlvrgread/KF%20Exceptions.txt?dl=0

Your post made me a little paranoid so I did some additional testing. A girder and the small track is all that I need to produce the exception I excerpted in my earlier post. I tried several of the other tracks and wheels and was unable to produce the exception with just a girder and KF part. In the linked output log I did three different things. 1) I launched a girder and small track on the runway and reproduced the exception. 2) I loaded the service vehicle on the runway which has two small tracks attached and reproduced the error. 3) I loaded my Mun Base and built the service vehicle with EPL. It spawned in the air and dropped on my base.

I also did more testing building vessels with KF wheels/tracks with EPL. There is definitely an incompatibility between the two (or another installed mod I guess) but I'm no longer sure there is a link between the exceptions thrown by the small track and the weird spawning. As noted above the exceptions seem limited to the small track and I also had problems with vessels built with KF wheels. I was, however, able to build a vessel on Kerbin with KF parts using EPL without incident. My best guess is that when building vessels on the Mun something (KSP, EPL, etc) gets very confused about the ground location or vessel bounding box when using KF wheels/tracks. This might go to the core of how KF works (repulsors and all) and am not looking for a fix. As a control, I built a rover using stock wheels on the Mun and was successful.

TLDR Small tracks are consistently throwing exceptions on load however those exceptions are unlikely causing the EPL/KF weirdness I'm experiencing.

For completeness sake here's a log following a EPL build on the Mun of a vessel with KF wheels. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1q6vhzm9q7sfvl/KF%20No%20Exceptions%20EPL%20Explosion.txt?dl=0

Thanks again for creating a truly great mod.

Thanks, glad you're having fun with it :)

Perfect, thank you for all the detail, that's very helpful when trying to hunt down something weird like this. I'll have a good look through the logs later to try and get a starting point before I try to replicate.

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Beautiful! Really looking forward to seeing those finished. I just about get by with my texturing, I know it's not the best.

Thanks, glad you're having fun with it :)

Perfect, thank you for all the detail, that's very helpful when trying to hunt down something weird like this. I'll have a good look through the logs later to try and get a starting point before I try to replicate.

Sorted out my EPL problem. Ended up being a conflict with KSP's select root feature. Should have known, when in doubt consider stock wackiness first. Not sure what 's causing the exceptions with the small tracks though.

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Beautiful! Really looking forward to seeing those finished. I just about get by with my texturing, I know it's not the best.

I agree, those are beautiful tracks.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for letting me know!

The small track had a subtle, not easy to spot problem (typo). Sorted in 1.8f, thanks for the heads up.

Now, just push your updates to the github already so those of us who don't update from the entire release package can get in on the fun... I mean, the last update to the dev repo is when I fixed your little typo in a module definition in a part config. That was ages ago.

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*cough*cough* A lot of stuff? Soooo i guess i'll wait then. The arrows on the small wheels are pretty persistent, too. Even after i went mucking about!

I like to max out their tweakscale size and put a jet on the back. All the new stuff is damn awesome.

Oh, and are you going to add a flag png to your mod? I'd like to put a big decal on this car for the next video.


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Hehe. Just in the dev stuff. Heavy messing with repulsors and there's debugging stuff galore. It's not pretty in my dev environment at the moment. Flag decal is a great call; something I'd totally overlooked.

1.8f ought to fix your arrow issues - sorry about that! Cool rover :cool:

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Ummm. Kinda a ckicky draggy typo! Ooops! I'll sort shortly..

Was just about to report this. The config edit did fix the Small Track from throwing exceptions. Thanks! FYI, it appears you dropped the TrackSmall part config in WheelSmall rather than TrackSmall. So the part config for TrackSmall should still need to be updated.

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FWIW, since it hasn't been explicitly stated, version 1.8G is up on KerbalStuff. It addresses the issues discussed in the previous few posts. Just FYI. :)

Thank you, lo-fi, for taking care of the issue quickly. You da man!

Lol, :D

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Hey Lofi,

I seem to be having an issue with your mod, either your mod natively or your mod conflicting with other mods. if you go to this dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bqwv5vdgwglfv9l/AADGFQ7i-scmT8YsnhuRjA1ya?dl=0 you will find the full crash folder. The reason i believe it is your mod is because when i load your mod the game crashes, when i remove it the game works again. I have also replicated the crash after removing the parts I dont use and EVE to reduce the load on my comp and yet your mod is the one that seems to crash the game.

Any assistance you can give would be amazing. Thanks for the hard work and I want to use your mod because of your beautiful wheels.

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Hey Lofi,

I seem to be having an issue with your mod, either your mod natively or your mod conflicting with other mods. if you go to this dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bqwv5vdgwglfv9l/AADGFQ7i-scmT8YsnhuRjA1ya?dl=0 you will find the full crash folder. The reason i believe it is your mod is because when i load your mod the game crashes, when i remove it the game works again. I have also replicated the crash after removing the parts I dont use and EVE to reduce the load on my comp and yet your mod is the one that seems to crash the game.

Any assistance you can give would be amazing. Thanks for the hard work and I want to use your mod because of your beautiful wheels.

Your log says you ran out of memory. You need fewer mods / smaller textures / ATM / whatever.

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Wow, a "ckicky draggy" typo... that's something I haven't experienced in so long...

Anyway... you may be ignoring the dev repo for the time being, but I'm about a few days or so away from possibly (if I don't get bogged down with school work) doing an update to the TweakScale settings and stuff, so you may want to keep an eye out for my update next time you want to update the release. I'd say, worst-case scenario, I'll have something up in a week. Trying to take advantage of the new stuff that's been added to TweakScale to allow for more flexible scaling ranges.

Edited by Gaalidas
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