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Nuclear power!


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Stop using the word Nuclear. Its fission. If you use the word Nuclear it includes fusion, which is much safer, reliues on water and is generally more powerful. But then... no one is going to listen to me, so ill just put this here.


I understand the difference, that\'s why I mentioned fusion reactors in my post, 'nuclear reactor' is just generally understood to be the kind we use most often today, fission reactors.

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MisterSpork: Totally agree, only if you look up a couple of posts I said just that. :)

(I think I called them Gen IV reactors, but it\'s the same thing).

As for the fission/fusion divide:

At this stage we are yet to have a usable fusion reactor. There are, of course, uncontrolled fusion devices (aka Thermonuclear bombs) and stars, but barring the insanely inefficient (if technically an scientifically highly important) Tokamak devices, we have no practical way to harness fusion energy in a controlled fashion. It must be said that I eagerly await developments in this field; but for the present, nuclear reactor = fission reactor.

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On a good day I can see the water vapor plume coming from Limerick.

Where in PA do you live Joey?

Not answering that.

I will say that we had to drive through Limerick to get back home from my moms friends house...(We were suppost to go to NY from there but didn\'t.) We literally drove passed the reactor.

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