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Better Stock Crafts 2: This Time it's Personal!

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This challenge, instead of rebuilding the stock craft to be better, will focus on building new stock craft and subasseblies to compliment and improve on the systems of the current stock craft.

Focus is kept on educating new players with building techniques such as Center of Lift must be behind Center of Mass, and how asparagus staging works. And yes, these rules are essentially a Copy/Paste of Xeldrak's BSC1 Rules.

[*]Your craft MUST NOT use any mods - 100% stock

[*]You need to show us at least four Screenshots

[*]You need to make you .craft file available

[*]You MAY NOT use a craft previously built

[*]You MUST be able to actually perform at LEAST one of the example missions, and the vehicle must be capable in theory of accomplishing the other missions with relative ease.

Mission Goal:

Make a craft that demonstrates a space-tug that can dock either two stock Space Station Cores together, or dock a stock Space Station Core to a pre-existing space station, then either de-orbit or dock to another node on the station. You must ACTUALLY fly this mission.


OK, I got it. Keep it Small & Simple (KISS).

Your mission goal was a bit open. Not sure if the tug must be de-orbitable. Don't know why it should be but I built it to be able to dock to an open node at an orbiting platform (which is what a tug is supposed to be for - providing maneuvering and docking of delivered supplies/objects that join the orbiting platform. It can be launched by itself (.craft file is available but I need help in posting it). It can be attached to other cargo being launched to provide rendezvous and docking assistance even for items with no self guidance. It can pick up an item in orbit, make orbital changes, rendezvous, and dock. The limit is rcs fuel but if the cargo has rcs fuel, the tug can use that too. An all around beast. I have designed a long range add on (extra fuel, ion propulsion, lights, jr size dock adapter, etc.) to prove it could be done but have left that for others to have fun with.


So, enter A.R.M. (Autonomous Recoverable Mover). It is small, simple, uses stock parts, and is capable of moving around objects many times it's size.


A.R.M. and upper stage after orbital entry burn.

Some specifics. Keeping it simple.

Total of 29 parts - 1290 Kg - 2 gyro sections (one 20 Nm and one .5 Nm) to handle large deadweight targets like fuel tanks. Remote control, 12 RCS motors, and 400kg rcs fuel.

The 1290 kg includes a detachable re-entry module consisting of heat shield, extra batteries, docking port and parachute.

[note: reentry module has been tested with the Deadly Reentry mod, but no special parts were needed. ]


Starting Position of challenge targets [2 stock Space Station Cores] and A.R.M.


SS Cores aligned and ready to dock.


Cores docked and ARM tug at storage location. Having 2 docking adapters, using up a port on the station does not decrease the total station ports available for other parts. One can dock right on to the back of the tug.


Getting ready to de-orbit by coupling with the re-entry module.


Success! Soft landing after re-entry with Deadly Reentry mod (I like to do things the hard way)

That is it. Really a simple little tug for beginners to use for space assembly, or experts to add on to their existing in space craft to increase flexibility.

Really flown, Really used stock parts. Really simple.

PS - two action groups. Group 1 - toggles remote guidance unit gyro, Group 2 toggles Inline reaction wheel. Sometimes the two cause feedback and vibrate. shutting down one or the other will cure this.

Craft files https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfv3o8dry08qpjv/Tug%20I.craft (add this to your subassemblies folder for the tug alone.


This is the tug on top of a launcher for orbital insertion. The nose cone is necessary when using Ferram Aerospace mod but it will separate with the final stage.

Edited by Mathman
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Craft File Download. -> Here

Press '1' for toggle ion engines.

Press '2' for toogle normal engines.

Press '0' for solar panel.

Part Count: 75 (without lifter)

Delta-V: Ion engines mode about 11,538m/s

Delta-V: Normal engines mode about 3,175m/s

Facing indicator (important for docking procedure for finding a proper way Up).


A garden module that is in danger of falling back to Kerbin. Calling "Tug." for help to raise its orbit.

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I really want to enter a craft in this but I'm not sure if I will have enough time! Hey guys, I'm new here and play KSP WAY too much but the advantage is I have learned a lot of little tricks. I refuse to use mods even though a lot of them are really cool, I will save that for after I have completed Career mode. Anyway I have done a lot of playing around with docking and space stations and moving things around in orbit and will likely get started on this challenge when I get home from work. I've also noticed a lot of people saying that they are no good at docking and for that I highly recommend Scott Manley's docking how-to on youtube. It helped me immensely. I went from trying to dock for two hours unsuccessfully to Rendezvous with motherships in under fifteen minutes. Here is that video. Don't be ashamed to take advice from actual astronauts.

I look forward to sharing what I come up with, even if I don't meet the deadline.


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Okay I'm finished. It's not beautiful but it works and I am confident it will give people some cool Ideas. First, here's my craft file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32205762/Advil's%20DockBot.craft And then the pictures. I'm sorry there's more than four, I just want to let the pictures do the talking. Basically what I have created is a small unmanned craft that is carrying four robots, two with RCS only and some extra batteries and two with fuel and a small engine. The type with the small engine is intended to serve as a means to move parts that are already in space a small distance or return them, probably destructively, to the surface. The second type is essentially to give a control-less piece of what have you a control module or bring some power and PVs to a damaged craft. Both can obviously be made smaller or more purpose-built depending on what you want to do with them. In my demonstration I attached to a fuel barge I already had out in space. Obviously the parts of it are too big to return to Kerbin non-destructively though I did try with two small parachutes. Here is an imgur link to my screenshots while I'm trying to figure out how you guys embedded yours. http://imgur.com/a/wk02H#0

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Craft File Download. -> Here

Ok,very nice set of pictures. Well documented. Does a nice job. Very useful Sr. size docking port. But where is the regular sized Clamp-o-tron? Challenge required docking with a standard space station core. I may be repeating an earlier post but it looks like it is unqualified. :(

Edited by Mathman
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This is an impressive piece of work. Orbital transfer vehicle, multiple construction/docking assist tugs, and so on. It certainly goes well beyond the challenge, which based on the original premise (space tug, a.la.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Space_tug_in_earth_orbit.jpg ) of a simple tug for beginners to learn on.

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Ok,very nice set of pictures. Well documented. Does a nice job. Very useful Sr. size docking port. But where is the regular sized Clamp-o-tron? Challenge required docking with a standard space station core. I may be repeating an earlier post but it looks like it is unqualified. :(

This is a challenge about, 'could' your tug really do its job. To prove it, you do a mission, and my pictures shows it can.

Arguing over a 'stock' only "space station core" standard-docking-port is invalid, since my space station core, CAN have a sr. docking port. Can't I.

It is not a challenge anymore if you try to disqualify all your competences. The OP does not specifically stated that you "must" have a normal docking port, instead, it stated, you must 'fly' the mission.

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This is an impressive piece of work. Orbital transfer vehicle, multiple construction/docking assist tugs, and so on. It certainly goes well beyond the challenge, which based on the original premise (space tug, a.la.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Space_tug_in_earth_orbit.jpg ) of a simple tug for beginners to learn on.

Which post are you referring to Mathman?

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This is a challenge about, 'could' your tug really do its job. To prove it, you do a mission, and my pictures shows it can.

Arguing over a 'stock' only "space station core" standard-docking-port is invalid, since my space station core, CAN have a sr. docking port. Can't I.

It is not a challenge anymore if you try to disqualify all your competences. The OP does not specifically stated that you "must" have a normal docking port, instead, it stated, you must 'fly' the mission.

The rules did specify no mods though and I'm not aware that garden module is a vanilla part..

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The rules did specify no mods though and I'm not aware that garden module is a vanilla part..

Well, the Garden module is definitely not a stock part. But it does not however help in making my 'Tug' any good.

The OP stated that stock-station-core + whatever you want to dock. So, what is the matter I dock it with my garden module?

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Here is my Space Tug (small). It cost K$7,310, masses 2,175 kg.

(images and craft files at www.digital-sf.com/KSP/)

Nice going bro. compact, simple. Not like some of the entries. Seems like some people here want a flying swimming gold plated pig. One that can dock with all three sizes of docking ports, carry an asteroid arm, have detachable tugs for fine detailed work in cramped quarters, and a nuclear thruster capable of putting a payload into Duna orbit. And look good too. [i did the flying pig thing for the fun of it, does all the orbital transfer and tug work with asteroid arm and all but it is UGLY and I did not post it. no way. ]

Hey folks, this dude not only plays KSP, he is the editor in chief of a great electronic science fiction magazine - digital sci-fi.. Look him up. The dude is awesome.

Edited by Mathman
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Well, the Garden module is definitely not a stock part. But it does not however help in making my 'Tug' any good.

The OP stated that stock-station-core + whatever you want to dock. So, what is the matter I dock it with my garden module?

I don't have any objections I was just stating an observation. Your tug does get the job done, I just thought we were supposed to be avoiding mods for the demonstration.

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Sorry advil, to your's . It's big and does it all and than some. Impressive. Definably on the large side of the entries.

I agree it could be a lot smaller and more elegant. I just wanted to make sure it would get where I wanted it to on the first try, and have plenty of fuel and monoprope to play around with once it got there. I purposely overbuilt for the demonstration as to not have to keep tinkering :)

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I have probably overdone my entry. I made a small mission to supply the beginning of a space station with an energy module. It didn't use half of its fuel or monopropellant. It is designed with two nuclear engines for small, medium, and large payloads (it has 2 small, 1 medium, and 1 large docking port(s)). Nuclear engines have low thrust and high efficiency making it safer to use and the tug can be used two or three times before returning to the planet with its parachutes(I assume money will play a role in.24 so reusability might become essential). I have two .craft files in the download: one is the tug itself and the tug with a launch stage to get it onto orbit even if you do it very inefficiently (~20,000m gravity turn). The tug has two advanced SAS's (1 big, 1 small) but it has solar panels and generators to keep the electric charge level nominal. Aesthetically speaking, the design doesn't look terrible for being an adapter/tug with the all docking port sizes, with nuclear engines, with the generators, and with the ability to return to the planet. There are no action groups beside the ones being automatically set which are the docking lights (red). I took too many pictures just to make sure I got the important parts. To make the crafts more stock-like, I gave them a description:

1. From the actual tug: Reusable Adaper Tug MKIII (Stock)

This is a simple Space tug which can dock to payloads and vic-versa. Kerbals never thought they would see linear rcs thrusters used, but on this design it makes it look better and removes extra thrust (the removal of extra thrust was debated on for a year)

The debate on which company would take the credit for this design was very long. It escalated quickly and the government thought it wasn't good that companies with the ability to build rockets, missiles, and planes were fighting over something. The design was confiscated and thrown carelessly into a random junkyard. Little did they know that they gave Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship parts co. this design. The government didn't bother fighting because they knew Jeb would win the lawsuit anyways.

The first two attempts to create an adapter tug failed because it couldn't pull the heavy payloads very effectively. it hadn't come kerbals to mind to radially attach engines that didn't have the word radial in its description.

2. From the tug with the launch stage: Adaper Tug MKIII (With Launch Rocket)

This is a small Kerbodyne rocket (small for Kerbodyne) with the Adapter Tug MKIII. The tug, with the launch stage, is easily able to get into orbit with its asparagus staging (asparagus staging: attach fuel-tanks with engines and decouplers radially, add pipe from radial tanks to center tank, and decouple the radial tanks when they are empty. Now you are at an higher altitude with a full center tank)

Instructions to staging

Stage 1 will release the stability camps, activate the liquid boosters and the center engine

Stage 2 will decouple the liquid boosters. Notice the center fuel tank is still full because of the pipes leading from the liquid boosters to the center

Stage 3 will decouple the center tank and engine and will activate your two nuclear tug engines

Stage 4(only use this stage if you are in the atmosphere to return/land this) will activate parachutes if you are planning to save return this to the planet.


Here is the imgur album:

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Here is the mediafire download for both ships:


Btw, sorry if I misspelled anything, English isn't my first language :D

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manni01: Completely separate from the competition I love that your tug somewhat resembles an R2 unit :) Or maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.. the fact that you were able to incorporate all different sizes of docking ports puts you ahead of the rest of us because rather than purpose build, this tug can just go up and grab onto whatever it needs to. I suppose depending on the mission all one would need to modify is the lower stages. If I was planning an orbital station at Duna for example I would need more fuel to get one of these guys there but it would get the job done once there. I'll have to check out the maneuverability for myself when I can as that is one of the most important aspects when you're trying to grab onto something and move it. Have you had trouble towing anything from the side with those two small docks?

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