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Emergency Landing! [Vanilla]

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Vanilla KSP, take pictures.

Drop a kerbal in a command pod (not chair!) from as high as you can on Kerbin (or the Mun if you're feeling lucky) without using parachutes, rockets, or wings to slow him down!

Make sure to record the velocity you were at upon hitting the ground.

I've been building "cages" around my command pods with different designs in the hopes that I can drop one at high speed without it killing the kerbal inside.

For use when your decent stage blows up and you want to land on (insert astrological body here) without being rubble.

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The Decapatron 9000 standing by to launch


Was a bit shaky going down runway, but lifts off first try!


(look at their faces, they have no faith in me!)

At a last minute decision, I set heading for the insular airfield


Capsule detaches from the docking port, abort tower just barely pulls us off the rest of the plane. The decaptron has been decapitated! (drop from 1335m)


Impact at 151m, clocking in at 60.2 m/s


Aaaand a celebratory last shot to prove the cockpit didn't break right after that picture'


so that puts me at a drop of 1335-151, or a drop of 1184m, and an impact speed of 60.2 m/s :cool:

Yeah, I know, it's crude. But it worked, dang it

Edited by Darthzeus
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