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Experimental Fighter

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So this is mainly a test for a different way of building. Instead of using fuselages you use wings to get a more interesting shape. Also it dramatically increases the maneuverability of the plane. I wasn't intending on posting this plane on the forums but some people might want to see it. I am in the habit of clean lines and just using parts for there intended use, which is no fun. So hopefully I gave you some inspiration and you are already building a plane:D

Alright, now to the pictures...

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As you can see you get the shape without the weight. It isn't perfect but it is just an experiment. Also it is a really good dog fighter, which is its intended use. The speed gets up to 200 during turns due to the kraken. Also she lifts up by herself and is a bit of a SAS hater as she will pull up slightly. But the maneuverability is better than all of my previous fighters. I will let you figure out the rest of the flight characteristics :sticktongue:

Test it out here: http://www./view/2duwj118wos9vo5/AF-13C_Crotalus.craft

Good luck-Jeb

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Nice! Want some assistance with some hybrid made engines? I recently created the HE-24 Wyvern. It's basicly a basic jet engine inside a turbojet, with a fuel line connecting them to the fuel tank. I also created the HE-12 Turbospike, a combo of the turbojet and the aerospike. Works like a sharm for SSTOs.

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Nice! Want some assistance with some hybrid made engines? I recently created the HE-24 Wyvern. It's basicly a basic jet engine inside a turbojet, with a fuel line connecting them to the fuel tank. I also created the HE-12 Turbospike, a combo of the turbojet and the aerospike. Works like a sharm for SSTOs.

I was just working on one of those. No offence but I would like to make my own engines, thank you though. It just seems more fun to me. But thanks!

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It reminds me of an F-9 Panther, Probably the body and tail. Cool fighter really.

Well it is cool, but it's called the F9F Panther, and I also don't see how it looks like the Panther. The Panther has smaller wings, and some type of tank at the wingtips.

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Well it is cool, but it's called the F9F Panther, and I also don't see how it looks like the Panther. The Panther has smaller wings, and some type of tank at the wingtips.

Well at least I didn't say it was a F9F Replica:D. If I did that would be really bad.

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I like it!!! And there were other variants of the F9 Panther, There wasn't just the F9F.

The Cougar is a good example.

EDIT: I was wrong.

Ah who needs variants anyways? Now i have to build that one too.

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I like it!!! And there were other variants of the F9 Panther, There wasn't just the F9F.


The Cougar is a good example.

EDIT: I was wrong.

I don't mean to be picky, but it's not called F9, it's called F9F. The different variants were F9F-1, F9F-2 etc.

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