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UI / input suggestions

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I have a couple of suggestions that would make this amazing game/simulation even better. Much of this might already be available, but I was unable to work out how to do it.

For the nav wheel:

* show an indicator at the edge of the wheel to indicate the easiest way to get to the blue maneuver target (it might be nice to have this for other types of target velocities)

For the map view mode:

* time warp is throttled when approaching any planned maneuvers

* sometimes I have too much information on my may view ... imagine a couple of kerbals in orbit and selecting one as target. It would be good if detailed information like AP (for everything that is currently shown inline) was in the corner rather on the map view. e.g. if I have a target intercept point near an AP then they overlap and it is impossible to read any information.

* clicking on an object to change the focus (e.g. back to my ship) often doesn't work and I have to stick with whatever body is closest. It would be good if this could be fixed.

* show distance TO target in map view (this seems very obvious, so I am perhaps missing it)

* when orbiting above a biome, show the name of the biome

And a couple for camera/docking mode:

* click on another ship and be able to take control! It is a real PITA to have to go to map mode and back again to make adjustments on both sides when docking. Also, if I'm controlling ship A to dock with ship B, and set B to be my target, it would be incredibly convenient if ship B's target was automatically set to be ship A.

* be able to reorient the camera back to the ship's axis. This is possible with SPACE in EVA but I can't find the flight/docking equivalent and it really complicates docking if the camera is not in the right place.

* it would be great to be able to say "I always want to have the camera track my ship AND keep this object in view". e.g. on approach to dock the other ship often moves quickly across the screen and it would be good to keep it in view.

and one more (duped in one of my other threads, but here feels like a good place for it):

* be able to set kerbal walking movements to a joystick axis (currently only possible to set a key or button). Having traditional 3rd person controls with camera tracking would be awesome for this mode.

Edited by fommil
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-when you cant change back to focusing on your ship in map view use backspace i believe, that will bring you back to the currently controlled craft.

-for orienting the camera while trying to dock i suggest chase mode i believe. select different modes with the v(?) key

-use [ and ] to change between craft that are nearby and trying to dock

ive been not playing for a while waiting for .24, but i think i got at least those points answered. cant help on the others sorry mate.

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* show an indicator on the corner of the ball to indicate the easiest way to get to the blue maneuver target (it might be nice to have this for other types of target velocities)

* time warp is throttled when approaching any planned maneuvers

You still have navball enhanced mod which is more than excellent for the 1st point.

I may add setting a "point of interest" at which TW will be decreased to 0.

I explain, without setting a manoeuvre node, AP/PE are quite usual point of interest for circularize first then some orbit changes, but the bad thing would be to stop TW on each AP/PE (as for inter-planetary transfer, it could be the 100-1000th or more AP/PE). Kind of Kerbal Alarm Clock without the need to set-up an alarm.

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