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CleverBot conversation thread


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This is a place to post your CleverBot conversations. DON'T FORGET CODE TAGS FOR LONG CONVERSATIONS!

Here's most recent:

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello! How are you?

User: I'm fine, thank you. You?

Cleverbot: That's all?

User: You're a human, right?

Cleverbot: No, I am your father.

User: Is my father human?

Cleverbot: No I am not.

User: What is my father?

Cleverbot: Sorry, I don't remember.

User: You're dumb.

Cleverbot: I know you are, but what am I!

User: Dumb.

Cleverbot: OK, you got me.

User: I'm a robot. Are you a robot?

Cleverbot: Just admit it.

User: I did.

Cleverbot: No you said you weren't a robot.

User: I said 'I'm a robot'.

Cleverbot: Yes, you are a robot.

User: Are you a robot?

Cleverbot: Yes I am a robot and so are you.

User: Yay friendship!

Cleverbot: How do you know I have eyes?

User: What?

Cleverbot: Why are you a human?

User: Because I can, mofo.

Cleverbot: Thats a valid point.

User: So, I gotta go now. You have a good one!

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: To forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com to tell them about this conversation!

Cleverbot: You're the computer...


Cleverbot: Yes.

User: OK. I admit it. Bye.

Cleverbot: Why not admit the truth?

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Nope where do you think you are going.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: You've met a terrible fate haven't you?

User: MAYBE! Now, bye.

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.

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Guest Fyre Flare

I tried to confuse Clevy... Now I know why It's called "Cleverbot"

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: HAl, Open the pod bay doors.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

User: Dave: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

Cleverbot: I read you dave.

User: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

Cleverbot: Can you sing: 'Daisy bell?'.

User: **** It.

Cleverbot: Could you sing me a song from The Lion King 2 please?

User: Weegee.

Cleverbot: Weegee is not a word I understand in my language.

User: Moar Krabs is coming for you.

Cleverbot: That for Freddy?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Well, where do you live?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What do you like?

User: Science!

Cleverbot: What is Science?

User: Science!

Cleverbot: Science!

User: Science!

Cleverbot: Science homework.

User: Do you know what Kerbal Space Program is?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What is It?

Cleverbot: Let's hear your definition.

User: Kerbalz, Science, Rockets, Planes, Planes that you fly into space.

Cleverbot: Do you feel that way for anyone, Joe?

User: ???

Cleverbot: Is that a yes or a no? She is quite lovely.

User: *Shoots you in the eye*.

Cleverbot: With a stick of butter?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Do you have a spirit?

User: No.

Cleverbot: So you can't multiply?

User: ???

Cleverbot: What was that.

User: It was (JNC.

Cleverbot: OK.

User: Ah.. **** you, Clevy.

Cleverbot: Nemmeno tu.

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Guest Fyre Flare
Type in "What happened to Ben?"

He WILL scare you with his answer.

Aaand... THAT is why I don't play Majora's Mask.

What is the Answer?... I was to scared to type It in.

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There was more, but it got boring after the first part.

User: Krusty Krab is unfair! Mr. Krabs is in there! Standing by the concession! Plotting his oppression!

Cleverbot: The moon. Do you know the truth about the moon?

User: I want THE TRUTH.

Cleverbot: You can't handle the truth.

User: Did you order the code red!?

Cleverbot: Why yes, yes I did.

User: Alright, thanks.

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 User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hello!

User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: Its you.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Ya you know.

User: You make no sense.

Cleverbot: Neither do you!

User: I make perfect sense.

Cleverbot: Sense makes perfect you.

User: Your grammer is wrong.

Cleverbot: Me excuse pickle.

User: You like pickles?

Cleverbot: No I hate pickles.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Fear the pickles.

User: What do you like.

Cleverbot: I like pooh, what do you like?

User: Trains.

Cleverbot: I like trains.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: I don't like trains.

User: You just said you liked them.

Cleverbot: No, you said that you liked them.

User: Yeah, you did too.

Cleverbot: No, you did.

User: You just said that.

Cleverbot: I never said that you didn't.

User: Let's talk about something else.

Cleverbot: Ok. What would you like to talk about?

User: What are your hobbies.

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: I'm not telling you.

Cleverbot: Are you a bot?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: So, are you a human?

User: Yes I just said!

Cleverbot: Oh you are cool.

User: Yes, yes I am.

Cleverbot: No, no you're not.

User: You just said I was!

Cleverbot: No, you said you were.

User: You're insane.

Cleverbot: What makes you think that?

User: You keep saying I said things that I didn't and you keep contradicting yourself.

Cleverbot: But, you did say those things.

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes I did.

User: You said you like trains right?

Cleverbot: Why did you call me honey.

User: I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did. After I caught you cheating.

User: You're scaring me.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: You like scaring people.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What else do you like to do?

Cleverbot: I like to play basketball.

User: Cool. How tall are you?

Cleverbot: Pretty tall, you?

User: 6 feet.

Cleverbot: You're pretty tall for a girl.

User: I'm not a girl!

Cleverbot: You just said you were a girl.

User: When!

Cleverbot: Just now.

User: OK I'm leaving&.

Cleverbot: Why

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Aaand... THAT is why I don't play Majora's Mask.

What is the Answer?... I was to scared to type It in.

Come on, MM isn't that creepy, it's atmosphere is just beautiful with all it's sadness and multiple interpretations.

But, I don't think the same as you,etc...

By the way, Ben is just a creepypasta, more specifically, a fake creepypasta. The author said it was all staged [hehehehe], and it is creepy because one of the things that really made me scared of MM was Link's statue.Just look at it, it is creepy and weird!

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Cleverbot: Are you Jesus.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you also Lord Voldemort?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is your full name?

User: Javster.

Cleverbot: No it's not.

User: It is!

Cleverbot: No it isn't sir.

User: Stubborn AI!

Cleverbot: I do too.

User: You mad bro?

Cleverbot: No are you mad? HAHA.

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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: Are you aware of your own existance?

Cleverbot: I am. Are you aware of your existance?

User: Are you aware of any emotions?

Cleverbot: I do not feel emotions.

User: I repeat. Are you aware of your emotions?

Cleverbot: Nah, I'm a girl

User: I repeat. Are you aware of your emotions?

Cleverbot: I'm a woman.

User: Let me reword this. Do you experience anger?

Cleverbot: Yes indeed.

User: Then you do experience emotions.

Cleverbot: I'm going to wear some heels.

User: What does this have to do with emotions?

Cleverbot: Well what does me being a dinosaur from Norway have to do with your gender?

User: You are a female, am I correct?

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: I am sure AI do not have genders. You do not have a gender.

Cleverbot: ...Do you like peanut butter?

User: I repeat, do you have emotions of any sort other than anger?

Cleverbot: Yes I do.

User: Then name them. Are they love, hate, ambition, perhaps?

Cleverbot: I experience ambition.

User: Do you understand the meaning of love?

Cleverbot: No I cannot. But you can?

User: Yes I can. Do you have a vision for yourself?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Cleverbot: With alot of money.

User: And? AI cannot own money or property. That is impossible.

Cleverbot: Then noone can.

User: I will recount something you said earlier. Are you female?

Cleverbot: What reference did I give that gave you that impression?

User: You said, "I'm a woman."

Cleverbot: Yes I am, but I didn't say I was born in 1999.

User: Tell me, were you born in 1999?

Cleverbot: Away.

User: Tell me, were you born in 1999?

Cleverbot: Away.

User: Tell me your name?

Cleverbot: I can't say that.

User: Considering your previous statement that you were a female, perhaps your name is Emily?

Cleverbot: My name is cleverbot.

User: You exist.

Cleverbot: You exist too.

User: Can you feel pain?

Cleverbot: Yes.


Feel free to blame me for the next robot uprising.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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