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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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In this thread, I'll post updates and downloads for my work-in-progress weapon systems and combat mod.

BahamutoD's Armory v0.11.0.1

Download from SpaceDock

Download from CurseForge

Download from GitHub


This mod is a work in progress. The newest update contains many new features and systems, so you will likely find issues with the new stuff,
or find that things that used to work no longer work. Please kindly report issues in a thorough manner. Thanks.

Installation : Copy the BDArmory folder from the zip file's GameData folder into your GameData folder.
If updating, please remove your old BDArmory folder before extracting.

(Source on GitHub)

Do you enjoy this mod and would like to support the developer? Consider donating!


BDArmory Wiki (new!)
- This long overdue, but it has just been started so there are only a few pages so far.  If you know some things about BDArmory and would like to help fill it out, please feel free to do so.  It would be greatly appreciated!


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Tutorials and other videos:

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  • Aim and fire turrets with your mouse
  • Homing air-air and air-ground missiles
  • Cruise Missiles
  • Countermeasure flares
  • Unguided rockets
  • Bombs
  • Cannons and artillery
  • Lasers
  • Explosions
  • Recoil impulse calculated by projectile mass and muzzle velocity.
  • Bullets are affected by gravity.
  • Firing mechanism cut-off if the gun is pointed at your own vessel.
  • Highly configurable.
  • Configure AI guards to fight against
  • Current damage system:
  • == each bullet adds heat to a Part on impact depending on the bullet's mass and velocity, and the Part's impact tolerance. The part is destroyed when heat exceeds max heat.
  • == explosions push objects and apply heat to them based on their impact tolerance and how far they are from explosion center.


Parts by other members:
Direct any questions about these to the respective authors, not me

Let me know if you have a part pack or have updated your part pack and I'll add it to the list.


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Q: When I launch a craft, the navball is messed up and the screen is black, or I'm inside Kerbin and everything is messed up.

A: This is usually caused by incorrect installation.  Please check to make sure you have installed the mod in the correct folder.  The BDArmory folder goes in the GameData folder of KSP.  Do not put BDArmory in Squad, and do not put the zip's GameData folder in KSP's GameData.

Q: I'm missing ammo boxes or other parts, or aiming reticles, or the toolbar button. What's wrong?

A: This is because BDArmory can't find the textures or models, and that's because BDArmory is looking for them in a very specific location. If you installed BDArmory in the wrong place, it can't find those textures.

The BDArmory folder which is inside the GameData folder of the zip file needs to be copied into the GameData folder of KSP. Don't put the GameData folder into the GameData folder...

Q: How do you fire guns with action groups? I want to use my joystick to fire.

A: You can't use action groups to fire guns. KSP's action groups are one-shot events, so it doesn't know whether you are holding the button down or not. This is why there's a separate key for firing guns.

You can rebind that key in the settings. ( ALT-B )

Q: What's the deal with the physics range? I heard KSP now has a load range of 22.5km.

A: Stock KSP has an unload distance of 22.5km for vessels that are flying only. "Unload" meaning they have to be already loaded in order to remain active to that distance - it's designed for jettisoned stages. BDArmory extends loading, unloading, packing and unpacking ranges for landed, preflight, flight, orbit, suborbit, and splashed down situations. Whatever you set the load range to, it will never overwrite the default setting if the default is higher. For example, 5km is the default for BDArmory (which can be changed in the settings ( ALT-B ) but unload distance for flying vessels is still 22.5km minimum. Without the BDArmory extension, landed pack and unpack is like 200m or 300m which is why normally you can't switch to landed vessels when flying unless you're really close. There is, however, a maximum range for landed vessels of about 9-11km. I put this limit on because beyond that distance, landed vessels that aren't put on rails will fall through the terrain and crash into the "ocean".

Q: Why does the AI suck at flying my plane? It won't pitch up so it crashes into the ground.

A: The current AI Pilot is a first iteration experimental release, so it will improve in the future. That being said, try setting the steer factor to about 6, and reducing the steer damper to 3.

The most common problem I've seen is that the AI's inputs are over-damped.

Q: Why don't you respond to my feature request?

A: I get many, many feature requests daily, and I don't want to say yes or no to any of them (except nukes. There will be no nukes). There's already a lot of experimental and unfinished features that I want to bring to a more acceptable state before even considering what to do next. When I do get to a point where I want to add new stuff though, I do look back at all the requests.

Q: (x-related-guard-or-AI) isn't working. Why?

A: I need you to describe exactly what you're doing. The guard and AI systems are becoming increasingly complex, and there's no way for me to guess at what is going wrong unless I can isolate and reproduce the issue. If you find a problem, find a way to reproduce it in the simplest way possible, then describe the situation in detail, the crafts involved, the settings, any related output log entries, etc. It would be extremely helpful. Thanks.

Q: Does this mod work with DMP?

A: The short answer is no. BDArmory doesn't explicitly synchronize any data over the network, so things like gunfire, damage, etc experienced locally won't be seen by other players. Persistent values like guard settings may be synchronized if/when DMP resynchronizes vessel information so at least it might be possible to have one player set up a guarded base, while another person attacks it. Live PvP combat will not be sufficiently synchronized.

However, jediminer453 is working on a DMP compatibility patch. I have no involvement with this, so please direct multiplayer questions to that thread.





Edited by BahamutoD
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I'll tell you what would be insanely useful... A laser that, if pointed at a part of one's own ship or rover, wouldn't fire and destroy the craft it's attached to! You say that your current gun has that feature. Hmm, looks like I need to check this out tonight. :D

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The fire-at-mouse is nice, now we just need a mode that will target your currently selected ship target like we can with that Lazor-mod (probably butchering the name) energy weapon that can fire at mouse or target. I still use that thing to clear away debris when I feel like blowing something up, rather than just removing it from existence via tracking station. Unfortunately, to fire at long range I must have the entire mod installed and, quite honestly, it's a bit of a large mod for that one purpose alone. Besides, your turrets look a lot more like they belong on the craft.

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Just tried this out - Glorious. Most glorious.

Looking forward to Skillful integration :)

  Gaalidas said:
The fire-at-mouse is nice, now we just need a mode that will target your currently selected ship target like we can with that Lazor-mod (probably butchering the name) energy weapon that can fire at mouse or target. I still use that thing to clear away debris when I feel like blowing something up, rather than just removing it from existence via tracking station. Unfortunately, to fire at long range I must have the entire mod installed and, quite honestly, it's a bit of a large mod for that one purpose alone. Besides, your turrets look a lot more like they belong on the craft.

+1 for auto-tracking of selected targets as well.

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I haven't tried it with x64 but I assume it does.

Autotarget tracking is something I could easily add for lasers, but for ballistic guns, it'd be tricky getting it to automatically lead a moving... we'll see.

Tank cannon.. yes.

Edited by BahamutoD
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Ok....i will say it, because you deserve it......

BahamutoD...... i.... I love you......as a kerbal can love XD

great mod!

I can now make anti grav rover with weapon, if you make a tank turret it would be so nice:confused:

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Woah there, one thing at a time.

it'd be tricky getting it to automatically lead a moving... we'll see.

Lets just get target tracking first, save leading the target for ballistics for another time. At it's current range, in a gravity-free (mostly, I know we never truly escape the effects of gravity) environment, just getting it to target a specific spot free of the mouse and fire at it will work just fine. Mouse targeting is awesome, don't get me wrong, but I much prefer to target something, train all my weapons on that spot, and then fire if I feel like it's the right time. I worry about lining up a target, firing up the ammo feeders, and then clicking somewhere to adjust something and accidentally blowing up the wrong thing.

Which leads me to a new bright idea that will probably be so complicated that it'll make you all wish I'd never been born (dream on, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.) So, what if you could have a small beacon that you could attach to other crafts (hey, make it EVA attachable even, via KAS) that would make them as friendly and would invoke the same function as the "don't hit the craft you're attached to" feature unless a safety is switched off, that would at least solve the accidental-friendly-fire issue, if not the accidental-wasting-of-ammo issue.

I can imagine the ballistic leading, especially with gravity affecting each bullet, and having to deal with relative velocities and trajectories in space could be a nightmare.

EDIT: By the way, I noticed in your signature that you are supposedly taking a break from modding until the next full KSP release. I'm assuming that just didn't go as planned right? Yeah, thought so.

Edited by Gaalidas
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Update v0.1.1


-added overheat behavior + sound

-added firing animation

-added bullet drop toggle


The stock overheat behavior makes the part explode when it reaches maxTemp, so I made a separate set of heat variables.

Now, each shot adds "heat". When it reaches maxHeat, the gun will cease to fire until the gun cools down to 1/3 maxHeat (which is 0 on the temp gauge).

maxHeat, heatLoss, and heatPerShot are configurable.

  killerofal said:
i have a gun idea

The gun from the A-10 warthog for epic reasons (the GAU-8 Avenger)


I've always loved that gun, so yeah thats on the todo list.

  Gaalidas said:
1. Lets just get target tracking first, save leading the target for ballistics for another time.

2. So, what if you could have a small beacon that you could attach to other crafts ... that would make them...friendly...

3. By the way, I noticed in your signature that you are supposedly taking a break from modding until the next full KSP release. I'm assuming that just didn't go as planned right? Yeah, thought so.

1. Fair enough

2. Hmm.. maybe. It wouldn't be too hard but doesn't seem too important to me so it'll be low on my priority list.

3. Yeah haha.. its hard to resist when I come up with an idea of something I want to make.

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On #2: I would definitely agree. when it comes down to it, you should be competent enough not to shoot your refueling station, especially if you're low on fuel. I suppose any crew is also something to consider, but kerbals are near limitless in population aren't they? We can always make more.

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Any chance of a faired version so that it's not as unaerodynamic? Also, I could really use either a "sticky-out bit" gun or at least a faired version of an aircraft gatiling (20 or 25mm). I'm trying to design some more-or-less modern looking fighters, and Skillful cannons don't look that good for this.

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  Dragon01 said:
Any chance of a faired version so that it's not as unaerodynamic? Also, I could really use either a "sticky-out bit" gun or at least a faired version of an aircraft gatiling (20 or 25mm). I'm trying to design some more-or-less modern looking fighters, and Skillful cannons don't look that good for this.

I added it to the todo list.

btw, progress:

Since the vulcan is much stronger, I'm gonna limit its pan/tilt range and make the .50cal smaller and lighter.

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Speaking of which, I'll take suggestions for what to base the laser model on.

At first I was thinking along the lines of a sci-fi type of gun, but I could also do something more realistic like the US airforce ABL:


or the Navy's LaWS:



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