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Kerbal Space-Race as MMO?

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Whilst waiting for my ship to complete its full Ion DeltaV burn, I thought of this:

What if Kerbal had an online Space-race option?

There would be at least 4 space locations on a Kerbal system. (America, China, Russia and Europe, and perhaps some fictional ones)

Each Player would pick a country, and then a team. (they can defect, but only taking with them their own designs)

Each seperate Kerbal system would have 1 team per Country.

Here I see 2 options,

* either worlds that compete (and people can join, or not join a team inside a single continues space race

* Teams compete achieving points and achievements, the highest for instance being an astronaut on Eve for one year and returning safely to Kerbal. And these would be listed in the global ranking. With a certain set of servers/Sol-systems where a team can subscribe to compete in.

You would actually have a space race, being troubled by debris fields of others etc. Racing to achieve, the first to achieve a big step (landing on the moon, getting a man around orbit) would get more money then the second, but not necessarily more science. And each country would have funding (issue's), but perhaps commerce and satellites aswell. These last not appearing in-game after completion for obvious reasons.

Of course people would be free to design and test their own designs, so that within teams some players with good designs can become a good asset. (And could of course be interesting to defect to the other team)

And the the final designs would actually be in a real time world, where crashes are crashes, and astronauts are dead. (It would be wise to not let the account die per astronaut dead, but to make a person non-assignable to anything else whilst on mission).

These achievements can give you science points and money for the next mission and rockets.

Super realistic.

* As an added collaboration feature, off-world automatisation could be limited to have real-time control delays etc. (but only for the controls)

* Another added feature would be somewhat educational, where people do randomized difficult tutorials about (Astro)Physics, so that each account has a unique set of knowledge and capabilities, and that they are a shared usage in a team (a good team, has different 'scientists') And perhaps have even analysts which could boost the team's science output.

(I am quite sure that for such a feature you could actually get funding from corporations, perhaps even ESA or NASA)

I mean, can you just imagine actually being an astronaut in space, communicating over your headset to friends across the globe, whilst you are both flying outside a kerbal space craft repairing (randomized) damages to your space craft whilst communicating (via voice or text) to someone (or with your own manual) to guide you through? :cool::D

* The time warp problem would be done by letting each country run their mission, a time-stamp is made on the where-about of each object. So that if one team finishes its project on say monday, then on Friday the other team can see their rocket being on their way to the moon, but since their mission is already finished it can see just as far as their opponents achievements, once they warp, so will the completed mission of the others. Etc, etc. I'd would literally be a race. This prevents space-wars. (but one might not want their space-probe to fall on enemy soil :P)

I'd say it would greatly, greatly improve the experience, funding of the game, make people learn and collaborate,

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