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Need Opinion on using linux64x Build


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Need Opinion on using linux64x Build

Hi I need some opinions on using the 64 bit version of KSP on Linux.

My big interest is using it to play with a larger variety of mods, currently I'm mostly stable using the stock 32x windows executable with these mods


Active Texture Management

ASET's ALCOR Lander,IVA patch,Props, and Ext Cam


DMagic Orbital Science


Kerbal Attachment System

HyperEdit (Cheat program used to simulate planetary conditions on kerbin for testing before starting a mission to said planet)









Universal Storage + US KAS

Warp Plugin

ScanSat (installed and parts are there but still cant figure it out so probably going to be removed)

However I had a much larger list of mods i wanted to install however the 32x exe cant handle it and some of the item are not compatible on the 64x windows hack so i was wondering about the 64x Linux build, would it be worth it? can the Linux build handle mods? if so how about ones with Dll files as most of them have? Here is my computers hardware, I definitely would benefit from a 64x version but mods are the deciding factor

CPU : Intel Core i5-2500K OC to 4326.7Mhz with turbo enabled to a maximum of 5900Mhz

RAM : 16GB of 666.7.mhz (OC to 824.1) Corsair Ram (9-9-9-24)

Video.. Here is where it gets a little tricky

Radeon HD 6950 2GB - Main Monitor

Intel HD 3000 [From The I5] - Smaller Second Monitor - not a necessity for Linux but would be nice.


128 SSD (Windows Installed)

500 HDD (Program Install Dir)

1TB HDD (Steam HD)(Would partition for a Linux install but has a tendency to just randomly disconnect and needs to be replaced sadly :[ no $)

2TB Ext HDD (Download HD)

Most likely run Linux off 16gb Class 4 SD Card or 32gb Class 2 MicroSD. Purely for KSP, maybe use SteamOS

TL\DR Can 64x Linux KSP use mods with DLL files?

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that's my actual list of mods:







Ferram Areospace Research


Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement


















plus a lots of parts and some utility, for a total of 2064 patches applied and 72 hudden items (module manager).

i have the same video card, but an i7, and the game run very smoothly.

EDIT: just forgetten: i run a debian jessie 64bit.

Edited by sirmatthew
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(Snip)plus a lots of parts and some utility, for a total of 2064 patches applied and 72 hudden items (module manager).i have the same video card, but an i7, and the game run very smoothly.EDIT: just forgetten: i run a debian jessie 64bit.
Any particular tweaks you needed to do? I installed Ubuntu on one of my drives and managed to get the game to run with more mods then normal however there was quite alot of graphical errors, ex the GUI was rendered 2 inches to the left but the buttons were still in the right place and a weird triangle shaped screen tearing that looked like i was trying to play with a kaleidoscope, and picking up parts sometimes would instantly place them and then lock them. I suppose ill try to get Debian installed and try with that, but i may just wait for the next update with 64bit windows support oh and Steamos is Debian based however it is so locked down after installing it i spent the rest of the day in terminal trying to get everything required to unpack and install mods for ksp so yea that's definitely out for me lol.
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no tweaks, just try to stay low with the graphical setting. what problems do yoiu have with steamos?

It was just too locked down, to begin with i had to edit the software sources in terminal using nano to add in the Debian repos then mess with the priority's a bit and even then i was getting errors all over the place trying to aptget the required software to extract simple zip files because steamos dosent ship with any decompression software. I just gave up on it it would be a great install on a tv setup with no modding outside of maybe steam workshop, however im heavy into modding and almost every game i play i look for mods, heck even the ios game "Game Dev Story" i took apart and made a Texture pack for. I have been hesitant to even try modding ksp because of the ram limit. Oh and ill be trying Debian Jessie in the morning as it took me all day today just to download the 3 DVDs, and thats the official release version, the weekly release version is 3 Bluerays!! I don't even have a BR drive in my computer, heck when i built this one i completely forgot to put a disk drive into it, no real need for it nowadays but i got an external DVD drive for the rare occasion that i need one. Still 3 DVDs for a Linux distro is a bit much even Ubuntu was only 1, but if its stabler then Ubuntu then its worth it.

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For Debian you should just download the netinstall disc and then let the installer download the packages you actually need later. Unless you don't have an Internet connection on the target machine.

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For Debian you should just download the netinstall disc and then let the installer download the packages you actually need later. Unless you don't have an Internet connection on the target machine.

A year ago netinstal wouldn't have worked as i had WiFi for this computer but the need for speed made me consolidate everything to 1 desk and hookup directly, now that makes the area around the desk ~10-20 degrees higher then the rest of the room, but it works. Thanks for the tip now i don't have to hunt down my external DVDrw drive, installing from USB soon, after EaseUS Partition Master shrinks my Programs HD. I'm dedicating 100GB to the Debian install and a 10GB swap partition, in my opinion 10GB swap is a bit overkill since i have 16GB of ram but hey i have the space so why not! Anyway hope to be crashing rockets instead of the game soon Thanks for the help.:D

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For max memory/CPU for gaming I can also recommend using WindowMaker (or another similarly lightweight environment) instead of the default Gnome one. I saved nearly 1GB, but then again with 16GB you won't be nearly as concerned! You'll still save a lot of unnecessary CPU/disk activity though by avoiding the full desktop environment installs. XFCE is a good compromise as it still gives you a functional file manager and reasonably familiar environment "out of the box".

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Thank you both for the tips I manged to get KSP running with quite alot of mods with so far only one game crash, and all at max GFX settings lots of parts to pick from now! :D the only issue im having is the center of mass button wont work it flashes for a second at the middle of the craft then disappears and no matter what i do i cant get it to come back, idk why might be a mod incompatibility tho, would explain why all my planes keep flipping at take off now(I don't have FAR installed so that's not it, although i might install it to see if it fixes this)Anyway thank you both for the tips, I probably would have given up right away after the issues i was having with Ubuntu and couldn't find anyway to fix it, didn't even think that Debian would be a better option. (Last time i used Debian was before DVD images became a thing!)

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