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Space shuttle and remote tech

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Hello, Im hoping that its the place to as about mods support :) (its not bugs or problems, simple question)

first, for the shuttle questions:

a) is it possible to perform reenetery with good angle without using RCS?

B) whats a good reentery angle for a shuttle from around 100km orbit?

for remote tech 2:

Im trying to send a unmanned lander and orbiter to mun, I do have satellite network on kerbin that transmiting to the mun. what im trying to do is:

a) send a orbiter and lander (at same rocket) and make the network transmit data to the orbiter, and the orbiter to the lander and vice versa, I am able to communicate with the orbiter, but cant transmit data into the lander.. (I know I can simply set the relay to transmit straight for the lander, I dont want to :cool: )

the orbiter have the KR-7 antennas, while the lander have Comms DTS-M1 antenna. what am I doing wrong? Im setting the network to transmit data to active vessel, and the orbiter to transmit to the lander, I am still unable to control the lander :/ any help?

thank you very much.

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  Niv200 said:
Hello, Im hoping that its the place to as about mods support :) (its not bugs or problems, simple question)

first, for the shuttle questions:

a) is it possible to perform reenetery with good angle without using RCS?

B) whats a good reentery angle for a shuttle from around 100km orbit?

This is totally dependent on the mods you're using. specifically, FAR and DeadlyRentry. I use both. From 100 km, I usually start my re-entry burns about 90 - 120 degrees around kerbin and aim for KSC (when making the deorbit burn, I try to get the orbit to intersect on KSC).

During the descent, I don't aim for particular angle of attack, I just try to keep my vertical velocity between -100 and -200 m/s. I prefer to be below 15 km alt and 800 m/s before I finish clearing the mountains west of KSC

  Niv200 said:
for remote tech 2:

Im trying to send a unmanned lander and orbiter to mun, I do have satellite network on kerbin that transmiting to the mun. what im trying to do is:

a) send a orbiter and lander (at same rocket) and make the network transmit data to the orbiter, and the orbiter to the lander and vice versa, I am able to communicate with the orbiter, but cant transmit data into the lander.. (I know I can simply set the relay to transmit straight for the lander, I dont want to :cool: )

the orbiter have the KR-7 antennas, while the lander have Comms DTS-M1 antenna. what am I doing wrong? Im setting the network to transmit data to active vessel, and the orbiter to transmit to the lander, I am still unable to control the lander :/ any help?

thank you very much.

Is the DTSM1 aimed at the orbiter? and is one of the orbiter's antenna aimed at KSC and the other aimed at the lander? When I used RT2, I usually changed these immediately after separation, and included omni-directional antennas in case there was a glitch.

Edited by LethalDose
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Thank you for your answer, I decided to give up ok Remote Tech 2, though about the shuttle, is it possible to perform reentery without RCS? Can you please post few pictures of your space shuttle/plane CoM and CoL? And I am using FAR and deadly reentery :)

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You can land on the Mun with RT2 and an unmanned probe. I have never done it but I have landed an unmanned probe on Eve, with RT2 + 7min signal delay because of distance, and a 15min window to send the signals in. It is possible but depends greatly on your satellite network coverage.

Ideally you want at least 4 satellites in a geosync orbit around Kerbin, and at least 3 more satellites in a north south orbit. For the Mun you may one a couple of relay satellites there to give you a larger coverage area when attempting the landing. Expecially if it is a dark side landing. You wont have to worry much about signal delay at that distance it will at most be a few seconds.

Tips for RT2

-Set your commsats with at least 3 antenna, 2 omni directionals, and 1 dish with a good arc.

-Set your commsats like this, all antennas active, dish set to target active vessel, and that is it.

This way no matter what you have one dish pointed at the active vessel which should give you a link back to KSC.

Don't give up on it, it will take lots of trial and error but if you get it right it will be one of the most satisfying things you do in KSP. I know when I landed the probe on Eve, using the flight computer in RT2 that was my greatest moment in KSP.

As for re-entry without RCS, it can be done, but you need either a lot of reaction wheels or a very light craft to do it. I use FAR+DRE, and I have had to do it a few times when I have miscalculated the amount of RCS fuel I needed in the design. Most of the time I have succeded, a few times I have not.

Two major things are needed if you don't have RCS.

1- Electrical power, you will need lots of it or a fast recharge.

2- SAS Reaction Wheels.

Without either of those two things your craft is at the mercy of physics, and that is never a good thing.

Edited by Hodo
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