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There's Nowhere to Hide Now! ODIN KEW System/Station

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The US Air Force is proud to present the ultimate deterrent force in the solar system: The ODIN.

This deployed edition of the ODIN is a complete rebuild of the prototype, taking the lessons learned in the old edition to create one of the ultimate strike weapons on the planet. Each 8-ton impactor travels to the surface in less than 2 minutes, impacting at supersonic speeds with terminal guidance for pinpoint accuracy. The ODIN carries six kinetic impactors, and the station pulls double duty as my main space station.

Download link: http://db.orangedox.com/txlRdLwKfoJy8441y9/ODIN%20MKII.craft

The station itself is meant to be used in conjunction with three telemetry satellites, which will be unveiled separately. All missiles and resources are reload able, with the station itself possessing four engines for orbital maneuvering and rcs for precision target acquisition.



1.- toggle station engines

2.- toggle station solar panels

-Disable fuel flow from the station's small fuel tank during ascent.

-Separate the station from the main booster core by decoupling the docking node connecting the station to the rocket module.

-Shut off station thrusters before firing projectiles.

-Set up station orbit at just over 70 km. It is imperative that the orbital altitude be just above the atmosphere.

-Fire impacters at full throttle.


-Fire the missiles to a retrograde biased orientation for maximum effect.

-Have fun! My X-37 cargo shuttle is in development. Some of you may know what that implies...

The SLV.


Firing at an insurgent position.


Impact vehicle hurtles towards the surface at a near linear trajectory at hypersonic velocities. The projectile still has plenty of maneuvering fuel.


The station on standby duty.


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Of course, our station is so well defended that it is inconceivable that anything could happen to it... such as unsanctioned foreign visitors from a X-37 cargo shuttle...

Edited by andrew123
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  • 2 weeks later...

You could say no where to hide, but I have a single challenge against that before I believe you. In the persistent file of the battle between Iamonfire and I, I have parked an enlightenment tank under a bridge at KSC. I'd like to see your station kill ​that

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