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Dark Multiplayer GUI from Sins Gaming!


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Hey Everyone!

The sins gaming group has just released version 1.0 of the Dark Multiplayer Graphical User Interface (GUI). It's currently only set for use on a windows machine but version 1.1 is slated to function on Linux and Mac. The GUI allows for push button control of all server functions and currently has in addition a player list and push button backup and backup retrieval functionality. If you have any questions please let me either here or on the sins gaming website forum. The page for downloading is below.




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By popular demand here is the pre-version 1 image of the GUI.


Edited by mastereryx
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We're going to be putting Linux and Mac functionality in place sooner rather than later. We should have Version 1.1 out sometime tomorrow. If you would like more information or would like to suggest something to be in an up coming update please let us know.



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Just got word back from a tester and it seems 1.1 is still not ready for you guys. So, keep checking back as soon as we get the kinks worked out I'll let you know with version 1.2.



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Alright, as I'm sure you're all aware DMP stopped functioning because of the the 0.24 release. As soon as I confirm that a new DMP update is compatible with the release we will make the necessary adjustments and release version 1.1.1 of the GUI.

Keep checking back, I'll let you all know!

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If I could offer some suggestions.

1. I'm a power user when it comes to this sort of thing, so I would love to see hotkeys for the buttons (put '&' in front of the letter you want to use as an Alt+Letter hotkey in the button properties). Also don't forget the tabstops!

2. Less common tasks would be better served on a file menu. Make admin/remove admin for example probably won't happen all that often. Another option would be to use a toolbar with icons, this leads to #3.

3. Try to squeeze out the dead space. Server desktops are often running a lot of utilities and screen real estate is often a premium. With a proper toolbar you could have nothing there but the player list, the history, and the chat line allowing a much more flexible window resizing ability. You have a lot of border space as well. The logo could be moved to an 'About' screen that is activated by a single toolbar button and could also serve to give important version/build date information.

It's a very good start though, these are just suggestions take them or leave them. I will give this a try when DMP gets updated for 0.24.

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I really appreciate the advice. I wasn't planning on overhauling the the layout until I get some other functionality built in. One of the major parts that is planned is an auto updater for both DMP and the GUI so that further downloading is unnecessary. You make a very good point though about how the buttons are laid out. It's probably going to be Version 2 by the time the majority of your suggestions will be implemented though.

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