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[1.0] LCARS Mark II - Dev and Support - Beta Release (29.04.2015)


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Let me see pics pls *dripping*

Never saw S.H.I.E.L.D. so far - but it sounds like you should join the team of NCI (see signature)!!

I'm currently in the phase, where I could use guys who play through my test missions and see if that works..

intrested? You can also create own missions for what it's worth..

Let's see if shield can be a mission in NCI..


  Eskandare said:

Really (other then star ship designs) LCARS is so the ship doesn't despawn while in flight. You see why I'd like to lock out some capabilities so if it is built as a helicarrier, it can be parked above the clouds but no go to space. Otherwise if it is made as a space ship it can be parked in Jool's atmosphere as a base for investigating Jool.

I forgot to answer that..

Well - to prohibid certain flight manuvers is not on the scope..

if you have enough power to stay in that position, you'll have enough to fly higher..

But you can do that with a small plugin for your copter, would only need 10 lines or so..

it's not much more than this pseudocode actually..

if(current.height > atmosphereHeight/2){ LCARS.thrust = 0;}

your plugin can use the LCARS API to controll/override such things..

I can be of assistance with that - once it come to that..

One of my Rule of thumbs I used for LCARS MarkII:

LCARS can not and will not be able to add special solutions for every conceivable thing..

But LCARS can and will be enough generic to allow other plugins to override LCARS in what ever manner they desire.

result => It's 100% open on the API side - everything can be accessed..

That was the main reason for MarkII in the first place - NCI needs that ability.


The "not despawn in atmosphere" part is not something to rely on btw..

It was unstable to such an degree in v1 that I'm not even sure I'^ll implement it in MarkII..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's been a while but the works went on..

here is the new 0.0.2 version of LCARS - built for KSP 0.90.0 win32






- Aurora Ship

- Community Utils plugin by Lo-Fi, used for the animated forcefields.


It does contain some NCI stuff that is out of order without NCI.. - for example the Tricorder-IFD or the NCI-Subsystem.

but don't worry, it works as it is, you just get some log etntries..

About log: this version will still spam your log with all kind of debug data - eventually this will go away, but for now I need it.. - sorry..

Feedback and bug reports as allways appreciated..

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This is a really awesome mod and I'd really want to try it out, but I can't seem to get it to work properly. I've donwloaded LCARS, BD Armory and the scifi shipyard mod and edited the Voyager cfg file to contain the LCARS module. I do get all the LCARS screens, but the controls are not working. The ship won't move in any direction when I click the corresponding button.

I've double and triple checked all folders, everything is where it's supposed to be. When I load the Aurora, all systems work just fine, so I suspect I made an error or missed something editing the cfg.

Thanks for your help :)

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  mawa1213 said:
This is a really awesome mod and I'd really want to try it out, but I can't seem to get it to work properly. I've donwloaded LCARS, BD Armory and the scifi shipyard mod and edited the Voyager cfg file to contain the LCARS module. I do get all the LCARS screens, but the controls are not working. The ship won't move in any direction when I click the corresponding button.

I've double and triple checked all folders, everything is where it's supposed to be. When I load the Aurora, all systems work just fine, so I suspect I made an error or missed something editing the cfg.

Thanks for your help :)

:-) thanks.. - I really appreciate to hear that.. - and of course I'll help..

I've never tried BD Armory, but if StarVision didn't change something drastic, it should work with Voyager.

Let's try the cfg check first and have a look at other possible causes later..

I don't know what information you have read, but the current version of LCARS is not compatible with any of the previousely published tutorials, wikis or guides..

Almost everything changed since I tested last with Voyager.. - that was pre MarkII

for LCARSMarkII v0.0.2 you should currently have in your voyager_saucer.cfg file.

name = LCARSMarkII
engine_type = 3 // if your engine specs in "ShipInfo" does not show 100%, set this to 4 or 5, it depends on the weight of the ship
CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0 // for voyager 0 is right, for Aurora, it's 32

Additionally I suggest to set the following modules to these values for best performance:

name = ModuleGenerator
isAlwaysActive = true
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 670000

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 50000000
maxAmount = 50000000

If that does not make it fly, let me know and we can debug further..

Since you say all stations are opening, I assume it's not the cfg though - It might be an incompatibility with BD armory, who knows - never tried that - but I guess the logs will tell us..

So, if you accidentally happen to have a log around, that might show an error, it could actually help :-)

good luck..

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The "engine_type" variable did the trick, thanks :D I've read the readme file that's delivered with your plugin, maybe you should update it ;) There was no mention of an engine_type there :P But maybe I should've looked into the aurora.cfg file, I would have seen it there ^^ I'm not new to cfg editing, I'm just not used to it anymore :D

The EC values were already implemented to your specifications, so no problems there. Btw, it would be really neat to control the impulse drive with keyboard inputs, e.g. numpad keys (8, 2 forward, reverse, 4, 6 port and starboard, 5 all stop and so on).

Now I just have to figure out how to blast stuff with photons and phasers :D

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Good to know. :-)

you are right, I forgot to update that readme - thanks for the info and sorr for the hassle..


Well, you can, open the "ShipInfo" click on "Engine", there you have "Activate Keyboard Controll" - I think it does even work..

Photon and phasers: the current verion does not have weappons by now - I'll write them soon though..

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It seems that this mod breaks SCANSat when used in the same game, though why I do not know, as I couldn't find any errors. None of the scans seem to work and none of the maps will work either. Removing this mod will fix the issue.

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  TMPhoenix said:
It seems that this mod breaks SCANSat when used in the same game, though why I do not know, as I couldn't find any errors. None of the scans seem to work and none of the maps will work either. Removing this mod will fix the issue.

interesting - I'll have to download scansat and test this..

Although, the following information should be a no brainer for any bug report:

what version of KSP? what version of ScanSat? what version of LCARS?

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  philotical said:
interesting - I'll have to download scansat and test this..

Although, the following information should be a no brainer for any bug report:

what version of KSP? what version of ScanSat? what version of LCARS?

KSP: 0.90

ScanSat both the release (8.1) and the dev version (9.0rc4.1)

LCARS: Your latest release.

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  TMPhoenix said:
KSP: 0.90

ScanSat both the release (8.1) and the dev version (9.0rc4.1)

LCARS: Your latest release.

Thank's for the details..

I'll have a look..

Some updated dev teasers..

Javascript is disabled. View full album

Captain Proton and The Asteroid Field of Doom - Guest Stars: Bolshoi Zayatsky as the Bad Guy & Surok, the brave Vulkan Shuttle

Intro: Voyager - Bride of Chaotica

Music: Original Sound Track TOS

You'll find NCI here:


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I've got a couple of questions. What exactly do the engine numbers entail, they all seem to provide the same amount of thrust? How do you increase how much power you have, I keep running out before i even reach orbit and everything shuts down? I copied the code from the aurora, but I don't really know what to edit to fix my problem.

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How to install LCARSMarkII:

- open the config file of your part

- add this

////////// Impulse ///////////////



name = LCARSMarkII

engine_type = 1

CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0

// resource options

max_resource_tanks = 0 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now

max_resource_amount = 0 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now


////////// Impulse ///////////////


1) your EC generator should not produce more than 80'000 EC by default.

2) you need at least 50'000'000 EC max capacity

////////// Generator ///////////////



name = ModuleGenerator

isAlwaysActive = true



name = ElectricCharge

rate = 670000





name = ElectricCharge

amount = 50000000

maxAmount = 50000000

}////////// Generator ///////////////

- done

One such part per vessel is enough.

If you add more of these parts, it might produce some lag.

the engine type is to allow same thrust for different sized vessels..

FullImpulse should be equal accelleration on any vessel you fly.. - that is essential for the Formation Mode later on

If your ship is a small shuttle with less than 40 tonns, use 1

if it's a huge large behemoth, you can go up to 7

settings are between 1 and 7..

To see if it's good enough, open "Ship Info" , click on "Engine" if it sais "100% efficiency" you are good, if it's below, increase the engine number..

If you run out of energy on default propulsion, you have most likely a too low battery.. see "Generator" above for a solution

On Full Impulse, your engine draws more power, you need to opne "Engineering", click on "Power Management" and there on "Production".

Now you can adjust the slider value to a higher setting.

If it's too high, the engine may overheat - but I think there is still a bug that prevents the explosions - for now..

Hope that helps..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  philotical said:
How to install LCARSMarkII:

- open the config file of your part

- add this

////////// Impulse ///////////////



name = LCARSMarkII

engine_type = 1

CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0

// resource options

max_resource_tanks = 0 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now

max_resource_amount = 0 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now


////////// Impulse ///////////////


1) your EC generator should not produce more than 80'000 EC by default.

2) you need at least 50'000'000 EC max capacity

////////// Generator ///////////////



name = ModuleGenerator

isAlwaysActive = true



name = ElectricCharge

rate = 670000





name = ElectricCharge

amount = 50000000

maxAmount = 50000000

}////////// Generator ///////////////

- done

One such part per vessel is enough.

If you add more of these parts, it might produce some lag.

the engine type is to allow same thrust for different sized vessels..

FullImpulse should be equal accelleration on any vessel you fly.. - that is essential for the Formation Mode later on

If your ship is a small shuttle with less than 40 tonns, use 1

if it's a huge large behemoth, you can go up to 7

settings are between 1 and 7..

To see if it's good enough, open "Ship Info" , click on "Engine" if it sais "100% efficiency" you are good, if it's below, increase the engine number..

If you run out of energy on default propulsion, you have most likely a too low battery.. see "Generator" above for a solution

On Full Impulse, your engine draws more power, you need to opne "Engineering", click on "Power Management" and there on "Production".

Now you can adjust the slider value to a higher setting.

If it's too high, the engine may overheat - but I think there is still a bug that prevents the explosions - for now..

Hope that helps..

Helped me get lCars to actually appear.. but now it just sits there unresponsive..

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  Kawrnskeh said:
Helped me get lCars to actually appear.. but now it just sits there unresponsive..

sorry for the late answer, I actually missed it..

Well - what does unresponsive mean?

I'll help you debug, if you describe the problem..

If you use the ship provided in the download (aurora), you might not get any trouble and no cfg changes needed..

if you didn't use that, please tell me at least what you got there..

Welcome to the forums btw :-)

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  mfkdso said:
Is the Impulse drive plugin working for 0.90?

afaik v 0.0.2 is allready after 0.90

If I'm mistaken about that, the only thing that was broken was the biome scanner..

The rest was working out of the box..

v0.0.3 will go online this week..

There all works..

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  Teto said:
Dang. This is looking great! k_smiley.gif

Thanks :-)

  mfkdso said:
Is there a way to disable the hovering from the controls? Something like right-clicking the ship, and disabling the impulse drive?

click on "Engineering, click on "MODNJ" - look for "Hover force"..

I do that every time I reach orbit..

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