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Is immortality will ever possible? (Just like in the movie Mr. Nobody)

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What is the natural order of things?
Vain? Old age is a diease. Death is a diease. How can it be vain if we want to advance? Who cares if it is "natural"? Tell me, what the heck defines your "natural cycle"? Humanity has every right to adjust and control the natural cycle as we wish.

This. I get so incredibly aggravated when people call things that they have a problem with "unnatural" or "against the natural order" or "against nature". We shouldn't work on achieving either prolonged life or immortality, because that's "unnatural"...while they have no problem using any medical treatment available to improve their health or take advantage of all manner of technological advancements to make their life easier.

You know what's unnatural? Driving in a car or riding a bike or flying in an airplane. Humanity has survived for this long not because we are the strongest or the fastest but because we are the smartest and we can manipulate our environment to better improve our odds of surviving.

I am a proponent of ectogenesis, which is the use of external artificial environments to gestate organisms. I have to laugh when people respond with horror, crying out how unnatural that is, and then run to the hospital for their in vitro fertilization procedure or dialasys treatment or even pop an Advil or two. Who are they to dictate where the line is drawn...where using advanced medical procedures goes from "helpful and necessary" to "unnatural"?

In the end everything will die, from scentient beeings to plants, to planets and stars. Even atoms and neutrons have a certain lifespan.

Its a kind of saveguard to keep the foundation of life in order, and thats is that life is based on the concept of death and rebirth.

So when you get badly injured in an accident, or get really sick, you'll refuse any medical treatment right? Because hey, everything dies and that is the natural order of things. So if it's my time to go, why bother extending it? No, you'll claw for each additional day you can get. You'll do whatever it takes to fix yourself up and keep on living. Work on immortality and life extension is the same exact thing, just trying to fix what we can so we can spend more time living.

As long as we are not causing undue suffering then we should advance our species as far and as fast as we can...and to hell with nature.

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The word immortal means unable to die, by any causes, thus an immortal beeing wil life on forever, and that my friends in indead a might long time, since you would go on even after things end.. And nature as an grand whole will end.


And even so, IF we have the knowledge in time to even to eliminate those, thus you cannot die by any means, you will start to live till the end of time, till there is nothing left, and you start to wish you could die, but alas, you cant, since you are immortal, you lived through everything that the universe has thrown at you, planets, galaxies and even the universe itself has ended, and you are still there, and you cannot end you lonely miserable life at that point anymore, since you archieved immortality as human beeing.

There is no way you could ever achieve true immortality as you define it, being unable to cease to exist by any means. I don't care how much gene manipulation you do, or how cybernetic you become, or even if you download yourself to a hard drive. A quick trip to the Sun will end your eternal misery pretty quickly. So yes, complete and utter immortality as you define it is impossible, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try our damned hardest to get as close to it as we can...

What's so bad about having a few million or even a billion years to play with? You might see that as an inconceivable nightmare, an eternal oblivion with no hope of ever ending. I see that as a never-ending opportunity to learn, explore, love, challenge myself, push my limits. I cannot even conceive of ever being so bored with the Universe that I want to leave it forever. Why would anyone ever "wish you could die"?

Now this, of course, assumes the extended life you are living is free from pain or other ravages. I can obviously understand why someone living in horrible pain, or even anticipating a painful end, would chose to end their life. I believe when we are discussing immortality and extreme life extension we are assuming a life without pain, with all our basic biologic functions provided for. Nobody wants to spend a billion years suffering from extreme rheumatoid arthritis or Alzheimer's disease.

If you don't mind, I'd like to toe the line here and ask a personal question: are you religious? Because I find that, in most of my discussions with people on this topic, those who are religious are the most against extreme life extension and immortality. They are the ones who find it so unnatural. They want to spend their time in this existence, and then move on to the next one...that's the natural order of things. That's why the idea of millions or billions of years of life are so abhorrent to them, because that just prolongs the move to the next life.

Me, I want as much time as I can get here in this Universe. And I'll spit in Nature's eye for every last second I can get my hands on...

Edited by ThirdHorseman
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Really one of the big tricks here is that we don't even have a full grasp of how the universe itself works. What I mean is, sure, we are pretty sure about the big bang being a thing. But we don't know for example if the big bang is a regular thing that happens every couple trillion years, etc.

I've actually got a fun story planned where billions of civilizations banded together to create a space station of immense size (light years wide) that exists to just ride out the 'Long Night' until the next big bang.

So that is one of the things I look at when I contemplate undying immortality. I don't KNOW with 100% certainty that living for literally eternity is impossible, so I might as well try.

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