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Blank Imgur Albums


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Some embedded Igmur albums are showing up blank-black for me, such as in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86331-23-5-Impossible-Innovations-0-4, where two other people report the same thing.

At first I assumed this was a fault in the way the OP had posted the album but I'm now seeing the same thing in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86202-Better-SSTO-Spaceplane-Challenge-%28Pre-0-24%29.

Is this related to the (very frequent) rash of 502 errors we're getting, or what is it?

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Don't know for sure -- I'll check with Kasper -- but I'd hazard a guess that it's one of the forum features Kasper had to nuke in order to cut the CPU usage of the forum and alleviate the 502s.

EDIT: Nope, I was wrong. But they're not working for me either. Weird.

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It's a fault in the posting indeed.

Their usage:


Proper usage:


the hashtag and number indicate which image to start with, and it doesnt work with imgur's embed code.

SO is this the same with my Drop Box on Google?


The copied location being {IMG]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-P4svKjnQe18/UcvG35EXt1I/AAAAAAAAAFk/UIS3F9jnf3I/w1024-h768-no/220200_2013-06-24_00045.png[/img}

Edited by Dungchunker
fixing sting
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