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No Debris

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Here\'s the challenge: obtain all the following orbits:

1. Munar landing

2. Munar orbit

3. LKO (about 100,000m)

4. HKO (at least 1,000,000m)

The catch is that you cannot leave any debris orbiting in space! Landed debris (i.e. a spent descent stage on the Mun) do not count. Post a shot of the tracking station, where you can clearly see each orbit. You get 100 points for each of the 4 orbits achieved, plus 100 for no debris left on the Mun! -50 for each debris chunk left in space. In other words, a perfect score is 500 points!

Here are the illegal parts/ships you cannot use: hyperdrives, instant orbits, single-stage ships, RSD-100 Range Safety Device, and tweaked stock/mod packs. Mod packs are allowed as long as you do not edit them.

First five people to score perfect!






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Here\'s a trick I\'ve used to do this: leave a bit of fuel in your engine/tank stages. When you\'re about to jettison them, point your ship retrograde, throttle up and jettison them quickly. If you do it right (the necessary thrust depends a lot on the design of the stages) they\'ll collide safely and continue to burn straight. At high altitudes, it\'s easy to completely deorbit the stages.

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