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Operation Redstone King [M.I.A]


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We have lost contact of a spy satellite called Viking 12, Sent in low orbit to spy on other KSC Locations to no Avail.

Approximately 200 Hours after we found another KSC Location, But looked abandoned... We suspect we were wrong, 0600 Hours Later The Satellite's Signal Dropped, Lost it Completely.

Luckily we were able to recover some footage being recorded from our stations before it went down... But unfortunately, The footage recovered didn't give us any thing on why this happened, And how.

At 1200 Hours, We declared the Satellite M.I.A.

We didn't have enough tech to actually steal a satellite, Which left us all to speculate Where did it go...

At 0600 Hours The Next Day, We recovered peaces of the satellite, But not the whole satellite itself.

We believe the remaining peaces were either salvaged by bandits, or stolen by a secret enemy that hid themselves well.

Once the clock hit 0600 Hours The Next Day, We started an operation, Sweeping and clearing every single KSC Station we found, And thought were abandoned. We could NOT Allow this to happen again... It was called "Operation Redstone King"

We had a co-operation with Northern Kerbin Allied Forces and The Kerbin Special Space Activities Division They are the best of the best when it comes to space, and ground.

So we briefed all of our teams, The next day it was time to go Teams ready... Their names Hitman 1 and Bravo 12 The Allied Forces Are Grabbing intel on enemy positions by AC-130, With some weapons for support.

They landed at the LZ, But something wasn't right... Our team's transports were being fired on right when we entered their airspace, Something wasn't right... And they all knew it!

After landing only a few transports were badly damaged, None destroyed. We we're trying to ensure everyone made it back, So we built a new transport based off of an old one we used, But upgraded it's armor and weapons With as much stealth as we could give it... Stealth drives were just invented in the time we're in and they weren't perfect... But they got the job done!

So our teams landed and the Allied Force's Intel told our teams that enemies had patrols and were sending infantry search parties and armored search parties, It wasn't a pretty sight.

The plan of this mission was to get all of the known KSC Places swept and cleared grabbed all intel and everything, Each known place would be cleared by this team, They would get in and clear it, Then get to the helicopter and fly to the others and rinse and repeat.

So our enemy, We took to calling them "The Federation" Due to their nature of battle and urban weaponry.

But our one advantage, Was tech, Organization, Teamwork. We had the most important of advantages, One being tech. They only had old salvaged weaponry from the 1950s and the kuban war... Not good at all.

Once our teams got to the base without being spotted, It was time to go loud... We tried to set up some explosives to get a bit of a surprise, Only able to plant a few on some places that wouldn't shake them alot... But would surprise them. Our AC-130s Had New GAU-19s We've been working on them for a while, They worked out well. Our first tech developed with laser weaponry.

You see this was only the end of the modern age, And so we had a bit of tech, And a bit of future tech, A Lot of it nothing special.

Once our teams held through and cleared the first center, We decided to think about pulling them back. The enemy damaged a few of our transports and we didn't want to take a chance on our team's life.

We finally cleared the first station, Then it happened... Our teams comms went out... They went completely black, It then happened!

The enemy some how managed to invent a substitute for our normal EMP Systems with the satellite's parts, They launched an EMP And all of our transports wen't completely dark, and all of our teams died in a crash... We only had one, with possible survivors, For months we searched and we had to finally call it quits, They were Declared M.I.A.

Next mission report in the UKS Series coming soon "United Kerbin States"!!

Edited by Bearsh
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