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And so thats the story of what happened to ________ Kerman....


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This is a thread to tell stories of your lost kerbals.

Don't lie, everybody has killed a few kerbals throughout their game-play.

Your favorites...

Any memorials...

I would probably be telling stories, but unfortunately i'm still trying to get .24 to work.

So, how did your kerbals die?:blush:

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The majority of them? Earlier today, when I re-enacted Danny's video and tried to see how far down the reputation gauge would go.

But seriously, most of them just die due to spaceplane accidents. :( And "stuck in a command pod on Eve" does not count as a death, right?

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When 23.5 came out i was testing the LES out for my Pontic Class rocket and when doing the test, it started out well I ejected the pod and the tower started but my left hand was lying on the space bar and i accidentally staged the decoupler holding the LES on the pod and I was too late to activate the chutes

Rest in Pieces Bill Kerman, Dundorf Kerman, and Kyle Kerman

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just now in 0.24 when I activated permadeath, Jeb went to walk on the mun, sadly, his rocket not equipped with RCS for budgetary reasons tipped upon landing and when he tried to give some throttle to pull it up, it blew up.

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In .23.5 I got my first SSTO into orbit. Sadly it too suffered the issues that the aircraft I had designed that it had been based off of had. It was prone to tail-strikes and had a far too narrow wheelbase. Since it was a test flight only 1 kerbal flew, but 3 max could have. Joezer Kerman flew the aircraft. The aircraft got to orbit but upon touchdown upon the runway the aircraft flipped onto it's side and the cockpit was crushed. That was the only flight of that design. R.I.P. Joezer Kerman

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  Liowen said:
Lunar Tour Bus....34 Kerbals.....Not enough chutes to slow down for landing. However it was an awesome explosion! :D

I just got to say I wish I could have seen that. Sounds like something awesome. XD

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I had these three Kerbals, Bilbo, Luke, and Malney. I decided to try landing on the surface of the mun at night, why not? Crashed into the surface, all three died. On top of that, I accidentally quicksaved instead of quickloaded, so I couldn't edit them back to life. Taught me to do night landings.

So I sent another mission, not only to do what they originally were supposed to do but also to place a flag where I think they crashed. Of course, when I got back, there they were in the astronaut complex like nothing happened. So I deleted that flag. Then I accidentally deleted the whole save.

Yeah, kind of a shaggy dog story, but that's what happened.

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I just started new career game in 0.24. Now on one of my first missions, the first successful orbit, all went well and i collected quite some science etc. Only had to return safely. So i did a careful deorbit burn with my lander and started descend. But i miscalculated and the lander came down in the mountains just before KSC at the point with the steepest slope. Of course the lander tipped over, rolled down the slope and got completely destroyed. And worst of all: Jebediah is now Resting In Pieces! at the bottom of the mountains ;.;

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My worst have been Munar landers that tipped over. Sometimes, you can rock them or roll them around and apply some thrust and actually get flying again. Other times, they scooted across the terrain until we experienced "catastrophic disassembly" and "unplanned mission termination" resulting in "reportable personnel events." :rolleyes:

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