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Stupid things you've made to do missions in career mode


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Not exactly stupid but certainly not something I'd have bothered building in previous versions of KSP :) I give you, the Rescue 1.


Designed to meet three contracts: rescuing some poor schmuck from orbit, testing a decoupler in LKO and getting some science data from LKO. The plan is to fly it up to orbit remotely, pick up the kerbonaut, then detach the probe and grab the data. Secondary mission is to send the probe to the Mun and then (hopefully) to Minmus, to test those LV-1Rs on an escape trajectory from Munar orbit.

Should be quite a fun mission and its exactly the reason I'm enjoying the contracts so much - they provide lots of ideas for odd little missions that I just wouldn't have thought of doing before!

Edit: Yes I know the nose cones are an expensive and largely pointless feature. I might have to care about that in later versions of career mode. :) For now, efficiency be damned, this is about aesthetics.

Edited by KSK
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Does anyone let any of those stupid orbit kerbals just die? (As in ignoring the contract and simply not accepting it.) So far the only reason I rescue them is out of fear I might miss a BadS one or something.

Not me - always seems harsh to leave them up there. I'm guessing those missions are going to be gold when kerbonauts cost funds to recruit or when the Reputation system is a bit fleshed out and you can't hire new ones because of low rep.

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i often accept 3-5 contracts at the time and build one creepy megarocket to get all contracts done in one launch. i have to us the "go back to launch" feature often but it's a nice "try and error" thing :).

just a little hint to all who attach engines on the side for testing (like me). set the thurst limiter to 0. the test will work but the rocket will not spin out of control.

and use the "run test" feature if there are not all parts ready for working. it should be enough to get the contract done.

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I've had to build rockets just so I could splash down in the ocean near KSC. On Kerbin, apparently they haven't invented wheels yet and it's better to test a "splashed down at Kerbin" test with a rocket rather than some sort of rover.

I also had to make a rocket where the final stage (except the pod) was a BACC SRB, because the contract was to test it in orbit. At the extreme opposite end, I also tested an LV-1 (the really small stack engine) in orbit.

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